What is Major Depressive Disorder? From Kati Morton

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

Today I talk about what MDD is and how it is diagnosed.
The DSM states that you must have depressed mood and anhedonia in order for MDD to even be considered. Then you must have at least 5 of the following for a 2 week period.
1. Depressed mood most of the day
2. Diminished pleasure or interest
3. Increased or decreased appetite
4. Increased or decreased sleep
5. Psychomoto agitation or retardation
6. Fatigue everyday

7. Feeling worthless or having inappropriate guilt
8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate
9. Recurrent thoughts of death
If you find yourself having of these symptoms please reach out for help! The sooner the better, and there are so many people out there willing to listen and help, so make that call and set up that appointment!!

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