Let’s talk about stress

Stress impacts us all and we need to get it into the open.

Whether the stress is short term or long term this infographic gives a handy overview of both of how stress works and some great tips for dealing with stress.


From Visually.

Divorce , Family Life and Stress – watch our video #DiarisingDivorce

Summary: Watch our live stream as we discuss the often difficult topic of divorce and whether ‘scheduling it in advance’ is a better option for you and your family, and a good way to minimse the stress that comes with such events.

Show date: 10th December 2015

Show Time: 13:00

Stress, Divorce and Family Life

Stress, Divorce and Family Life

Not only does a divorce take an emotional toll on the people involved but it is an expensive and sometimes lengthy process.  With an increasing number of people scheduling their divorces in advance to avoid added turmoil and to ensure everything is in order, we look at what impact this has when handling the matter.

Joining us are special guests, Rupi Rai (family and divorce solicitor, Slater and Gordon) and Anastasia de Waal (Chairman, Family Lives) as they give us helpful tips and advice on what practical considerations we should take into account and how to remain logical and keep a level head throughout the whole process.

We delve into topics such as why this is becoming a new trend, what support is available to us, the most efficient way to handle a divorce if children are involved and how to keep you and your partner on good terms in the long run.

For all this and more tune into our live stream at 13:00 on the 10th December.

If you have any questions you would like answered during the show please send them in using the hashtag #DiarisingDivorce.

7 Things You Should Know about Brain Health

You’re good at taking care of your body, you eat healthy foods, and you exercise, and try to establish a healthy lifestyle. However, are you good at taking care of your brain? This article brings you all the important things you should keep in mind for optimal brain health.


  1. Physical activity is essential for brain health


Brain health

Brain health

Physical activity is important for overall health. It helps you lose weight or maintain the healthy weight you already have, and it’s good for your heart as well. But benefits of physical activity go beyond that, it’s of crucial importance for the optimal brain health. In fact, regular aerobic exercise boosts your daily intellectual performance and significantly lowers risk for dementia. Even just walking for 30 minutes can do the trick.

  1. Losing weight means keeping healthy memory

 What you eat directly impacts your brain as well. After all, your brain requires vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to function properly. A healthy diet is associated with lower risk for dementia. Furthermore, healthy weight with a low ratio of body fat lowers your risk for memory disorders. And the best thing is you don’t need to buy some supplements or other products to improve your memory. You can do so by consumption of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods such as foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine.


  1. Challenge your brain to improve focus

 We all experience loss of concentration and focus from time to time, particularly when we study for an important exam or try to finish an important work project. The truth is, healthy brain and focus go hand in hand. To be able to concentrate and focus on everything you do, you have to make sure your brain is healthy and strong to process information. One way to do so is through mental stimulation. To function properly, your brain needs to be challenged. You can train your brain and improve your focus in number of ways, such as:

  • Crosswords
  • Sudoku
  • Puzzles
  • Start with creative part of work or assignment or simply, do something creative e.g. draw, paint, create
  • Turn off all distractions
  • Learn a new language
  • Explore, investigate
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Go to a museum
  • Meet new people.


  1. High blood pressure is equally harmful to your brain as well

 High blood pressure is a quite common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is abnormal. Hypertension affects 74 million Americans, which is 1 in 3 adults. It is also responsible for every six deaths in American adults according to the Harvard Medical School. It is largely believed that high blood pressure has damaging consequences on your heart only.

Because hypertension involves heart and blood vessels, it is classified as a cardiovascular disease, but arteries are essential for the health of all our organs, which means that hypertension can be defined as multisystem disease.  It can impact your brain, kidneys, eyes, and especially the brain. One of the most severe consequences of hypertension is a stroke. Noticing symptoms of high blood pressure and consulting your doctor can save your life.


Symptoms of high blood pressure include:

  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nosebleed in some cases.

In some cases, individual doesn’t even experience some symptoms of hypertension that is of extreme importance to control your blood pressure regularly. Furthermore, healthy lifestyle is the best way of preventing hypertension and possibly stroke.


  1. Know how to recognize symptoms of stroke


Learning to recognize symptoms of stroke in yourself or other people is highly important. Getting early treatment can minimize the damage and save your life. Symptoms include:

  • Sudden weakness
  • Sudden problems speaking or understanding
  • Sudden vision problems
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Sudden severe headache.


  1. Persistent dizziness shouldn’t be ignored 

Although dizziness doesn’t always mean something is wrong, in some cases it could be a symptom of the underlying problem. If you experience persistent dizziness make sure you see your doctor who will make a diagnosis and inform you whether the problem is your brain or some other organ in your body.


  1. Reducing stress and positive thinking are brain healthy

 Positive thinking isn’t just an excuse for motivational speakers to earn more money. Thinking positively can have a beneficial impact on your brain. If you believe you have a good memory or that you can improve it, then you will. Scientists explain this phenomenon with the fact that positive thinking reduces stress.

Chronic stress destroys healthy brain cells and disrupts your memory among many other things. Finding your unique way of keeping stress at bay is of extreme importance for your brain health.






To stay functional and healthy, our brain requires healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and regular physical activity can protect the body and the brain from various diseases. Remember to challenge your brain to keep it sharp.



  1. https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/brain-enhancement-supplements/profiderall.html


Author Bio


Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in the USA. She has done MA in English literature. She loves to write articles on health and beauty. Also she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011.Her articles are both professional and creative. She loves to read health product reviews online. You can contact her on Facebook and Twitter.




Panic Attacks during Menopause – How to Prevent Them?

While symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes are frequently discussed,other symptoms like insomnia, irritability, and panic attacks can occur during  menopause as well. As all women are different, they experience these symptoms differently. For example, menopause symptoms in some women are quite mild while in other women they become severe. In this article, we will discuss panic attacks during menopause and how to deal with them.

Panic attacks – why they happen?

Panic attacks and the menopause

Panic attacks and the menopause

Panic attacks, in general, are known to be one of the most frightening, disturbing and uncomfortable experiences of person’s life. The exact source of anxiety, panic attacks, and even heart palpitations during menopause isn’t quite clear yet.

Although the exact cause of panic attacks isn’t familiar yet, because women are more likely than men to experience panic disorders most frequently during PMS, pregnancy and menopause it is assumed that panic attack has something to do with hormonal imbalance.

In most cases, women start experiencing panic attacks during per menopause, the transition period before the actual menopause. During this time, female hormones estrogen and progesterone fluctuate dramatically and start to decline.

When women enter menopause, severity and intensity of symptom experienced during that time could lead to anxiety. If left untreated, anxiety leads to panic attacks that can affect person’s wellbeing and even social life.

Estrogen and progesterone act as natural anxiolytics, which means they work together with the anxiety control receptors in your brain to prevent mood swings and cope with stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. Naturally, as the natural production of these hormones declines in menopause, women become more prone to experiencing these symptoms.

However, hormonal imbalance isn’t the only cause of panic attacks. It is believed that occurrence of different factors contributes to panic attacks. For example:

  •     Becoming infertile
  •     Lifestyle changes
  •     Various biological changes
  •     Unhealthy nutrition
  •     Consumption of alcohol
  •     Family history of panic disorder
  •     Stressful situations
  •     Children are leaving home.


Do panic attacks end with menopause?

In most cases, women experience panic attacks during perimenopause and menopause, and the severity of panic disorders decreases in post menopause. However, it is still important to mention that experiencing these attacks varies from woman to woman and while some women don’t experience panic disorders in years after menopause, others do.

For example, Smoller JW, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston conducted a study to investigate the prevalence of panic attacks in postmenopausal women. The study included 3369 postmenopausal women who completed questionnaires about the occurrence of panic attacks in the previous six months.

Findings of the study were published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, and they showed that full-blown panic attacks in postmenopausal women were associated with a history of a migraine, cardiovascular disease, chest pain, etc. Other causes of panic attacks in postmenopausal women were stressful life events and functional impairment.

 Symptoms of panic attacks


  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Chest pain or tightness
  •     Sweating/shaking
  •     Heart palpitations
  •     Hot or cold flashes
  •     Hyperventilation
  •     Nausea/stomach pain
  •     Lightheadedness etc.


Panic attacks prevention


  •     Eat healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that will supply your body with essential components it needs to function properly
  •     Consider taking menopause supplement to avoid missing on essential nutrients. Best menopause supplements are made of natural and herbal ingredients which also decreases chances of experiencing some side effects as well.
  • For example, PM Phytogen Complex is the all-natural supplement that provides your body with substances that mimic the action of estrogen hormone making it easier for you to deal with symptoms of menopause like night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, etc. The product is affordable and can be purchased via the official website and in retail stores as well.
  •     Avoid consumption of alcohol
  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Try out some alternative manners of relaxation e.g. acupuncture, massage, yoga, meditation and many others.
  •     Make sure your body gets the recommended dosage of vitamins that will not only protect your overall health but also support you mentally as you go through the menopause.
  •     Avoid or manage stressful situations, find a unique way of relieving stress e.g. listening to music, deep breathing, writing, or even taking a walk.


Panic attacks occur in perimenopause and are experienced in menopause as well. Although some women don’t experience them in postmenopausal period, others do. The exact reason for panic disorders is still unknown, but it’s assumed they occur due to hormonal balance coupled with other factors. Healthy lifestyle and stress management can help you prevent panic attacks.



Author Bio


Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumer Health Digest. She has a keen interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyles fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.



Belly Fat - and why it is causing you problems

Belly Fat – and why it is causing you problems

Fat belly has been a problem for many who do not know how to get rid of it and have a flatter stomach. Excess fat in the stomach gives us problems especially on the clothes to wear and how we look and feel. Some of us feel that having too much fat on the belly makes us unattractive. It is however even a greater risk to the health of a person. Too much or excessive fats in the belly or other body parts can be a great danger to health and fitness of an individual. It is important and critical to look into ways of dealing with the fat on the belly as this can prevent health problems and eliminate the risks of suffering some diseases.

The Dangers

Chronic conditions or diseases have been linked and associated with the fat accumulation in the belly. Diabetes is one of the serious illnesses or conditions one may suffer because of or resulting from the accumulation of fats in the belly and other parts. With the condition, sugar circulation and balancing in the body is difficult and thus becomes a problem for the individual. The occurrence of terrible diseases such as heart conditions is also a possibility. It is essential to deal with the excessive fats immediately or eliminates the fat. The best solution or remedy is however prevention. With the presence of the belly, you need to work on reduction of these fats, so they do not cause or pose obesity health risks to the system or body.

Beat the Belly

The belly has the risks to your body shape and more so to the health. It is thus essential to work hard to be able to beat the belly. Set goals to reduce the belly. You need to see a physician if necessary to know the best ways to this. Simple steps can be of help to individuals with belly fat that is disturbing. Watching the diet may be one of the important steps to start. Other simple steps should be incorporated into your schedule daily if you are serious about losing the belly fat.


Trim the belly fat by exercising. Consistency in exercise makes the effort more effective in belly beating or reduction. Workouts should aim at reducing the belly fat. You can see a specialist from for example the gym for more instructions, suggestions, and advice. Exercise or workout aimed at reducing the fat in the belly will work if consistency and doing the exercise right are there. Jogging is a good exercise that can help in beating the belly. You do not necessarily require to go or to be in a gym. You can work out in the house or the backyard of the house or home. It is advisable to use treadmill exercises as a way of reducing the belly fat. Remember to do things right and be a consistent. Exercise or work out together with a friend or a relative or family member. Moral support and encouragement are both necessary. They keep you moving. They also make the activities you do fun. Ensure the exercise take 30-40 minutes at minimum.


Get and ensure to include more fiber in the diet. The fiber makes the stomach full, and you thus can avoid overeating. It is advisable to ensure that one includes many fruits in the diet. Fruits have fewer calories as compared to other foodstuff, and they are healthy to take. They thus help in reducing the belly fat. They make your stomach fuller. It is important to carry fruits to the place of work as it ensures that if you feel hungry, you do not take any unhealthy or sugary snack. Drink lots of fluid or water. Ensure you stay away from fizzy and sugary drinks. They contribute to the fats in the belly. Eat healthy snacks and foods with fewer fats and calorie levels and this will eventually aid your efforts of belly beating.


Handling stress in right ways is essential. Some people deal with stressing issues by overeating and drinking. The two habits contribute to belly building or formation. It is essential to consult or talk with friends in case of stress or difficult situations. Relax the mind, walk around, listen to music and also ensure to get or catch enough sleep. Exercising is a better and advisable option.


When you sleep enough or for a period that ensure that you fell good and fresh the next morning, can deal with a fatty belly. The behavior or habit of having enough sleep ensures you do not have visceral fats building up in the belly. Sleep matters. Ensure to get enough of it.


Belly fat is risky. Efforts to deal or eliminate the belly are a priority for most people. Use the simple tips. Consistency helps in continual of the practices. Patience is part of the plan. Be patient to get the results. They may take time but will be soon visible.





Author bio:

Meighan Sembrano is an author She has a keen

Meighan Sembrano

Meighan Sembrano

interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyle fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.