Belly Fat - and why it is causing you problems

Belly Fat – and why it is causing you problems

Fat belly has been a problem for many who do not know how to get rid of it and have a flatter stomach. Excess fat in the stomach gives us problems especially on the clothes to wear and how we look and feel. Some of us feel that having too much fat on the belly makes us unattractive. It is however even a greater risk to the health of a person. Too much or excessive fats in the belly or other body parts can be a great danger to health and fitness of an individual. It is important and critical to look into ways of dealing with the fat on the belly as this can prevent health problems and eliminate the risks of suffering some diseases.

The Dangers

Chronic conditions or diseases have been linked and associated with the fat accumulation in the belly. Diabetes is one of the serious illnesses or conditions one may suffer because of or resulting from the accumulation of fats in the belly and other parts. With the condition, sugar circulation and balancing in the body is difficult and thus becomes a problem for the individual. The occurrence of terrible diseases such as heart conditions is also a possibility. It is essential to deal with the excessive fats immediately or eliminates the fat. The best solution or remedy is however prevention. With the presence of the belly, you need to work on reduction of these fats, so they do not cause or pose obesity health risks to the system or body.

Beat the Belly

The belly has the risks to your body shape and more so to the health. It is thus essential to work hard to be able to beat the belly. Set goals to reduce the belly. You need to see a physician if necessary to know the best ways to this. Simple steps can be of help to individuals with belly fat that is disturbing. Watching the diet may be one of the important steps to start. Other simple steps should be incorporated into your schedule daily if you are serious about losing the belly fat.


Trim the belly fat by exercising. Consistency in exercise makes the effort more effective in belly beating or reduction. Workouts should aim at reducing the belly fat. You can see a specialist from for example the gym for more instructions, suggestions, and advice. Exercise or workout aimed at reducing the fat in the belly will work if consistency and doing the exercise right are there. Jogging is a good exercise that can help in beating the belly. You do not necessarily require to go or to be in a gym. You can work out in the house or the backyard of the house or home. It is advisable to use treadmill exercises as a way of reducing the belly fat. Remember to do things right and be a consistent. Exercise or work out together with a friend or a relative or family member. Moral support and encouragement are both necessary. They keep you moving. They also make the activities you do fun. Ensure the exercise take 30-40 minutes at minimum.


Get and ensure to include more fiber in the diet. The fiber makes the stomach full, and you thus can avoid overeating. It is advisable to ensure that one includes many fruits in the diet. Fruits have fewer calories as compared to other foodstuff, and they are healthy to take. They thus help in reducing the belly fat. They make your stomach fuller. It is important to carry fruits to the place of work as it ensures that if you feel hungry, you do not take any unhealthy or sugary snack. Drink lots of fluid or water. Ensure you stay away from fizzy and sugary drinks. They contribute to the fats in the belly. Eat healthy snacks and foods with fewer fats and calorie levels and this will eventually aid your efforts of belly beating.


Handling stress in right ways is essential. Some people deal with stressing issues by overeating and drinking. The two habits contribute to belly building or formation. It is essential to consult or talk with friends in case of stress or difficult situations. Relax the mind, walk around, listen to music and also ensure to get or catch enough sleep. Exercising is a better and advisable option.


When you sleep enough or for a period that ensure that you fell good and fresh the next morning, can deal with a fatty belly. The behavior or habit of having enough sleep ensures you do not have visceral fats building up in the belly. Sleep matters. Ensure to get enough of it.


Belly fat is risky. Efforts to deal or eliminate the belly are a priority for most people. Use the simple tips. Consistency helps in continual of the practices. Patience is part of the plan. Be patient to get the results. They may take time but will be soon visible.





Author bio:

Meighan Sembrano is an author She has a keen

Meighan Sembrano

Meighan Sembrano

interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyle fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Bowen Awareness Week – What is Bowen Therapy and have you used it?

Bowen therapy

Bowen therapy

Over the years I have look at a whole range of therapies for various different medical conditions which don’t quite fit into the conventional medical model.

This have ranged from the Paleo diet for multiple sclerosis to the McKenzie Method® for back pain.

According to a press release from Bowen Therapy Professional Association “the Bowen Technique is a drug-free, non-invasive, hands-on therapy which can be administered through light clothing. It has a remarkable record of success in helping clients with a wide range of conditions, including back, neck, shoulder and other acute and chronic muscular pain; stress-related conditions including depression; asthma, hay fever and other respiratory problems; sports injuries, IBS, migraine, fertility, hormonal imbalance and a host of other health issues. It is suitable for people of all ages, from tiny babies with colic to mature clients who suffer from arthritis. There are many personal testimonies of Bowen working when nothing else has helped.

In a typical Bowen treatment, the therapist, using only thumbs and fingers, makes small rolling movements over muscles, tendons and soft tissue at precise points on the body. This subtle but dynamic process releases stress at a very deep level, allowing the body to re-align, address imbalances in functions and chemical composition and , as far as possible, restore homeostasis (physiological equilibrium) within the body. ”

You can check out their web site here

Now as you can see this is quite a list of different conditions which could be treated with Bowen therapy. It is also pretty diverse as well.

So why am I writing this blog. I’m very interesting in hearing if any of my readers have used it and how you have found it. Also if you are a Bowen therapist it would be great to hear what you do and how you do it.

Please feel free to use the comments box below to add anything you think might be of interest to our readers.

Many thanks in advance.

15 reasons to de-clutter your house this New Year.

Not as odd a post for a healthcare blog as you might think.

Firstly a cleaner and more tidy environment helps to reduce dust which in turn can lead to hay fever.

As well it is a great way of dealing with stress which as many of you know can help indirectly to a variety of medical problems. Have a look here for some tips about dealing with stress.

National Stress Awareness Day – 7 positive tips for a better life.

National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day

Today, as you many know is National Stress Awareness Day. In fact it is the 16th time it has been run.

Stress is all around us. Indeed my wife just called to tell me since she woke at 5.30 she has had the most stressful day for at least three years. She did have the decency to laugh when I told her it was National Stress Awareness Day. You can find out more about the signs of stress here.

One of the big issues with stress is that it is easy to tell us we are stressed. That comes ten a’penny. But more importantly we need advice about how to actually deal with stress in the long as opposed to short term.

So I was delighted to find out that the International Stress Management Association had produces some really useful information for National Stress Awareness Day. There is a lot of useful stuff on their site which you can access here.

The one which impressed me was entitled “7 Positives For A Better Life” and I thought it would be useful to share them with you as they in fact are of some use!

1) Get rid of negative thoughts and fill your mind with positive ones. Don’t dwell on failure major in your achievements.
2) Put yourself first once a day. Have some me time!
3) Don’t repeat past mistakes or even old habits. Do something new.
4) Take the tough decisions and take them today. Sell your house or buy a new car!
5) Say yes not no. Erm that’s it.
6) Learn to communicate better. If you have a problem , say with the bank or your boss, talk to them about it! Learn to communicate better.
7) Consider your options. You might have more than one choice.

So over to you. What are your tips for a more positive life?

Please feel free to share in the comments section below.

Thanks very much in advance.

Life with Fibromyalgia. Tips for living with Fibro from People with Fibro!

Fibromyalgia Awareness

Fibromyalgia Awareness

A few months ago we ran a very successful discussion on our Facebook Page, called FibromyalgiaTalk, entitled “What advice would you give to a person who had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”. We then covered some of the responses in a blog post which you can read here.

The responses were amazing both in terms of quantity and quality so we decided it would be useful to run a similar discussion asking for tips you might have about living with fibromyalgia.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to the 250 people (so far) who have replied since we started the conversation on Monday. So we would love to share with you a few of the tips . It would be great if you would care to share any of your own in the comments box and the end of this blog post.

“Find a doctor who knows and treats fibromyalgia. Get lots of sleep. Ignore everyone else’s expectations of you and slow down on life. Rest, drink lots of water and TRY to stretch daily. Your friends and family will all give you ideas on what you should do to feel better–it might get annoying—just smile and know they are just trying to help! Hope this helps!!” was great advice from Jennifer!

Brittany was simple but to the point ” Reduce stress as much as possible, take hot baths and time for yourself”

Wendy was very sensible “I had to learn to forgive myself for not being “me” any more, most days I manage it! My usual advice still stands, be kind to yourself, learn how to pace and use the NO word when you need to x”. Another talked about pacing “When your having an almost pain free day and feel good , don’t push yourself because you will pay for it a few days later , sometimes with days of pain …”

One reader shared this great idea for a birthday present “Ask for gift vouchers for therapeutic massage for birthdays and Christmas it hurts a bit at first but you feel so good afterwards. Best present ever x”

Tricia was very practical “Natural Vitamin D3, make sure it’s D3, about 30-50,000 iu a week will make a tremendous difference. Most fibro sufferers are unable to absorb normally and are deficient. Magnesium is good. Take fish oil to go with the D3 and take K2. They enhance each other. Also, heat helps. Hot baths, and extra blanket, and warm sweater. Massages and chiropractic care are definitely a help. Yoga and exercise on your good days. Lastly, rest and reduce stress because these are our biggest triggers along with the weather. Rain is evil. Lol! Take care of yourself.”

And Shell talked about “Do your own research. Believe in yourself & write all of your issues down.”

Which, of course, is one of the aims of this post. So as we said earlier what should be added to this list of tips?

Please use the comments section below to share yours.