Fatigue – what is fatigue and how to avoid it!

As many of our regular readers know we have been covering the area of fatigue pretty much since this blog began. Indeed it is a symptom which impact the lives of people with a range of conditions such as diabetes, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. Certainly it is very common with caregivers.

Most of our previous blog posts on fatigue have focused on the experiences of our readers. This one may be of interest as it gave an opportunity for many people with fatigue to tell their stories. We were also lucky enough to be allowed to promote Donnee Spencer’s viral awareness infographic “I can’t remember what it feels like not to be tired!” which you haven’t seem is a must read and share.

The infographic we are sharing today gives an excellent rundown of tips for treatments you can use to help fight fatigue.

So please check it out and share with friends, family and work colleagues.

Fibromyalgia Infographic - Fighting Fatigue in Fibromyalgia
Fighting Fatigue in Fibromyalgia Infographic: Information about what you can do about chronic fatigue syndrome experienced with fibromyalgia. – Source: New Life Outlook | Fibromyalgia

Ankylosing spondylitis – signs, symptoms and what it is really like to have AS!

ankylosing spondylitis

ankylosing spondylitis

As many of you know by now May is Arthritis Awareness Month. As part of our support for the month we have decided to highlight a few different arthritic conditions. For those who are interested we have looked at Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Fibromyalgia in some detail in previous blog posts on PatientTalk.Org.

Today we wish to focus on Ankylosing spondylitis. Primarily it is a spinal condition though it can also affect other parts of the body. There are two objectives to this blog post. Firstly to raise awareness of Ankylosing spondylitis among our readership and the wider community. Secondly to give an opportunity for people with AS to share their experiences and story. Hopefully it will provide useful information and support for those who have just been diagnosed with the condition .

Normally the symptoms develop over a period of time (in fact, several months is common). Typically they include:-

a) Back pain. Interestingly rest seems not to help here but exercise does.
b) Fatigue
c) Pain and swelling often in the arms and legs.

The inflammation can cause the spine to fuse which is referred to as ankylosis. Causes are as yet unconfirmed but it is believed to have a genetic link. Typically in the Uk around 1 in 300 people have been diagnosed with the condition. Interestly around three quarters of those affected are female. And most cases seem to start when the person with AS is in their twenties.

Treatments include

a) Pain Management
b) Exercise – check out our previous blog post on exercise for people in pain!
c) Physiotherapy.

In severe cases of AS surgery is used to help with the fusion of the spine.

So over to you. We would love to hear the voices of people in the Ankylosing spondylitis community. It would be great if you could use the comments box below to share your story. Please feel free to include anything you think may be of interest but you may wish to consider the following questions?

1) At what age did your first symptoms appear?
2) What were those symptoms?
3) How have the symptoms progressed over time?
4) How supportive have you family and friends been?
5) What treatments have you used for AS and how effective have they been?
6) Is there one piece of advice you would give to somebody who has just been diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis?

If you can suggest any good blogs, groups and sources of info that would be great as well.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

World Water Day 2015 – What are the benefits of hydration.

The benefits of drinking water

The benefits of drinking water

March 22nd sees the marking of World Water Day.

We thought that this is a great opportunity to remind our readers of the benefits of hydration and the dangers of dehydration.

So why drink plenty of water? Three liters of water has been recommended:-

a) Keeps your skin looking great!
b) Prevents muscle fatigue thus giving you more get up and go! Useful if you have a medical condition like fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis where fatigue is an issue.
c) Can help with weight loss.
d) Great to assist with bowel and kidney functioning. Which means that is helps getting rid on unwanted body waste.
e) And finally it is a great way to overcome the effects of a night out.

How to get a good night’s sleep – watch our new WebTV show!

How to get a good night's sleep

How to get a good night’s sleep

Log into our live and interactive WebTV show where sleep expert Kathleen McGrath and former athlete Roger Black MBE discuss the importance of a good night’s kip and give top tips on finally getting a good night’s sleep

Show date: Thursday 26th February
Show time: 2pm

Fatigue can make us irritable and grumpy, reduce productivity levels, increase our anxiety levels, lead to weight increase as we eat to counter a lack of energy as well as weakening our immune system as our sleepless nights build up.

So for those of us failing to get the recommended eight hours a night – our work, mood and relationships can all start to suffer. Yet as a nation, are we undervaluing the importance of good quality sleep?

The effects of sleep deprivation cannot be ignored. A whole host of things can contribute to us becoming a shattered nation from our home and work life to the general busyness of our 24/7 society.
At the end of a working day, do you struggle to switch off from the pressures of daily life? Log into our live and interactive WebTV show, where Kathleen McGrath will tell you about simple things you can do to improve your night’s sleep.

Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) – September is ITP Awareness Month and September 26, 2014 is Sport Purple for Platelets Day. Read more to find out about ITP.

ITP Awareness Ribbon

ITP Awareness Ribbon

Way way back when I started working in healthcare research one of the first projects i worked on was to recruit parents of children with ITP.

You can of course image my response!

“What is ITP?”

And then an immediate rush over to Wikipedia. I then discovered it was a bleeding disorder.

So I am very happy to share with you some information from The Platelet Disorder Support Association which supports people with Immune Thrombocytopenia and other platelet disorders. They have a pretty useful web site which you can check out here.

“Imagine being told that your child cannot play on the playground with other kids, ride a bike, participate in normal
childhood activities or contact sports because a bump, cut, or impact to their head could lead to life-threatening bleeding.
Now imagine trying to get emergency help for your bleeding child and being accused of abuse because your child is
covered with bruises. As an adult, imagine waking up in the morning with a mouth full of blood blisters, heading off to
work with a nosebleed that won’t stop for hours, or going to bed at night with a headache and fearing you’re having a
brain hemorrage and won’t wake up in the morning. This is life for someone suffering with the bleeding disorder ITP.
Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a condition in which the blood has a lower number of platelets than normal. Platelets
are cells that help the blood clot. ITP is called an autoimmune disease since it is the result of the body’s immune system
attacking platelets as if they are foreign cells. A person with ITP is at a higher risk of bleeding. ITP is often accompanied
by fatigue and sometimes depression and has a profound impact on a person’s quality of life.

ITP affects almost 10 times as many people as hemophilia, yet most people know nothing about it. This lack of public
awareness leaves many ITP patients feeling isolated and alone, and is the main reason why there is so little support for
research on ITP and the lack of advancement in treatment. ITP is a growing but little understood health problem that most
people (including some medical professionals) have never heard of. It affects individuals of all ages, sexes, and ethnic

This September patients of all ages, along with family members and health care providers, will come together for National
ITP Awareness Month and Sport Purple for Platelets Day.”

So please share the image above on social media to show your support for people with IPP.

Thanks in advance

More information on ITP from The Platelet Disorder Support Association

“ITP, immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura, is an autoimmune disease. In autoimmune diseases, the body mounts an immune attack toward one or more seemingly normal organ systems. In ITP, platelets are the target. They are marked as foreign by the immune system and eliminated in the spleen and sometimes, the liver. In addition to increased platelet destruction, some people with ITP also have impaired platelet production.

Platelets are relatively small, irregularly shaped components of our blood. They are required to maintain the integrity of our blood vessel walls and for blood to clot. Without a sufficient number of platelets, a person with ITP is subject to spontaneous bleeding or bruising.

People with ITP often have bruises or small purple spots on their skin (petechiae) where their blood has escaped from their veins or capillaries. Spontaneous bleeding can also occur in the mucus membranes on the inside of the mouth or in the gastro-intestinal tract. It is possible, with a decreased number of platelets, to have a spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage. ITP is often accompanied by fatigue and sometimes depression.

Normal platelet counts range from 150,000 to 400,000 per microliter of blood. People with platelet counts under 10,000 have a severe case of ITP. 30,000 is sufficient for many to prevent a catastrophic bleed. Individual reactions to low platelet counts differ. Determining a safe platelet count is a decision to be made in consultation with an experienced treating physician.

The number of individuals in the United States with ITP has been estimated to be approximately 200,000. Our survey indicates that ITP occurs more frequently in women than men during childbearing years. It is usually a chronic problem. ITP in children occurs at about the same rate in boys and girls. It is frequently self-correcting but may become chronic. Adolescent ITP has more of the characteristics of adult ITP.

While most cases of ITP are controlled, it can be fatal in a small percentage of ITP patients.”