Fatigue – what is fatigue and how to avoid it!

As many of our regular readers know we have been covering the area of fatigue pretty much since this blog began. Indeed it is a symptom which impact the lives of people with a range of conditions such as diabetes, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. Certainly it is very common with caregivers.

Most of our previous blog posts on fatigue have focused on the experiences of our readers. This one may be of interest as it gave an opportunity for many people with fatigue to tell their stories. We were also lucky enough to be allowed to promote Donnee Spencer’s viral awareness infographic “I can’t remember what it feels like not to be tired!” which you haven’t seem is a must read and share.

The infographic we are sharing today gives an excellent rundown of tips for treatments you can use to help fight fatigue.

So please check it out and share with friends, family and work colleagues.

Fibromyalgia Infographic - Fighting Fatigue in Fibromyalgia
Fighting Fatigue in Fibromyalgia Infographic: Information about what you can do about chronic fatigue syndrome experienced with fibromyalgia. – Source: New Life Outlook | Fibromyalgia

Fatigue – How do you treat or manage fatigue?

Treatments for Fatigue

Treatments for Fatigue

Over the last 18 months this blog has covered the whole issue of fatigue from a wide range of different perspectives.  You can have a look at some of our previous discussion here https://patienttalk.org/tag/fatigue/

Today we are interested in taking a different tack.

We would like to know how you treat/manage fatigue.  What has worked and what hasn’t!

So firstly would it be possible for you to take part in the poll below.

Secondly it would be great if you could share a bit more about for fatigue story and the treatments you have used int he comments box below

Thanks very much in advance.