Autism and Challenging Behaviour Part 12. “The effect of autism on patients and the struggle the parents may face raising children with autism”

Autism Awareness Butterfly

Autism Awareness Butterfly

As you might know as part of our ongoing autism awareness campaign we run a Facebook Page called AutismTalk. The aim of the page is , in part, to provide people in the ASD community with a forum to share stories and ideas.

A few days ago one of our members asked a fascinating question. “Hi I’m doing a speech on autism I was just wondering if by chance u can enlighten me on the effect of autism to patients and the struggle the parents may face raising children with autism”. With over forty responses we felt it would be valuable to with our readers as aprt of our Autism and Challenging Behaviour series of blog posts.

Please feel free to use the comments section below to give any advice you have have about the challenges others face and also do share what you feel to be your big issues with regard to autism.

Maria mention one of the major concerns which I do share “One thing that affects a parent is the world around my boy not understanding him what if I died what would happen to him who would understand him like I do.”

On the other hand Elena commented “The struggle we face with my 6 year old boy even though he’s verbal and on high end of spectrum is dealing with the behavior prob , it impacts the whole family and adds additional stress to siblings. The other stress is them doing homework when challenges at school already exist. Not wanting to go to school and running towards traffic. All we can do as parents is pull all resources available do the best we can to see our kids succeed as adults and being independent but at times depending on situation makes it difficult to feel we are doing things right.”

“I think my biggest struggle of autism is not being able to understand my son because he has a severe speech delay. Also his over sensory when we are out and the world becomes over stimulating and it’s to much for him and he doesn’t listen at at. Dealing with that on a daily basis wares thin on patience quick.” was Roxy’s thinking.

Jessica shared “My biggest struggle with raising my beautiful daughter who has autism odd pica (eats non food items) anxiety and possible dyslexia is not being able to take away her sadness when she crys and says mummy why me dosnt god love me why me I tell her that God spent a little more time making her because she has added extras it brakes my heart not being able to do any more then hold her tell her it will be ok when deep down I don’t know if it’s going to be ok…could also be when trying to explain to other people why my daughter has melt downs that are sometimes out of my control and I.can’t stop feel free to inbox me I have so much to say”

“My daughter is 18. It has been hardest watching her struggle with social skills and anxiety. It makes our family feel alone to see everyone else’s kids growing up with friends and cousins and her alone. But she has amazing gifts and is taking college classes. Our family will move to Florida from new England so she can pursue her dream of working for Disney. Just because she has autism doesn’t mean she can’t have a good life. I’d sacrifice a lot to make that happen.” said Lisa.

Juliet’s view was shared by a lot of our other readers “The biggest challenge for me is trying to keep my cool with people who don’t understand my boys. My youngest is diagnosed autistic, my middle one has sensory integration issues and exhibits symptoms of ADHD and PDA, and my eldest has had serious struggles with social interaction and learning not to take everything literally. Only my youngest suffered serious speech delay, and he is the only one with a diagnosis. They are all very bright and do well when they’re interested. However, their progress at school is directly related to the quality of the teacher, and it is so frustrating. Each year, with each child, we have had to wait to discover whether the teachers will love them and get a kick out of getting the best out of them, or write them off as difficult and badly behaved, and complain at year-end about their lack of progress. My boys are my boys – smart, funny, affectionate, sweet-natured and transparent – but their brains are oddly disconnected from their sense of themselves: they won’t notice that they’re hungry or thirsty, or need sleep or the toilet, or are annoying someone else, or humming or tapping or twitching or fidgeting or repeating the same sentence over and over… But because they are bright and often very sensitive to outside stimulus, people cannot seem to believe that they can be so unaware of themselves, especially as they tend to be very self-conscious in certain situations – like my youngest loves to sing, and will sing all day, wherever he is, and regardless of whether it is appropriate. But if he notices that people are listening, then he is completely overwhelmed and cannot continue, so he won’t consider joining a choir. People usually love him, given time to get to know him, but I am sick of people judging him initially by their own sad, narrow and twisted standards, of always being the reasonable one who sympathises with their difficulties when I want to slap them for being too lazy to try to understand his (or his brothers’) struggles. Pm me if it would be helpful.”

Zara mentioned routine “My biggest struggle is when something changes in routine, it’s life you can’t control the world. But when something changes or disrupts what my son is doing, my anxiety shoots up as i know hes going to get very anxious or result in a meltdown. You lit see the change coming and you like ow god and look straight to see if he has noticed.
What makes it worse, is others looking & trying to get involved. Yes thank you for wanting to help, but i am lit screaming inside please leave him alone more fuss makes him worse. My son is 5, he has Autism, Global DD & SPD. I am qualified support worker for adults with Autism & LD and Teaching Assistant for children with ASD. If you need to know anything inbox me, as i’ve met alot of families and situations. Good luck! X”

“People expecting me to place my daughter in a residential care facility. It isn’t what she wants or what I want so sometimes I wish people would back off with their opinions” angers Vanessa.

For people like Kerri education is a major concern “A lot of parents do not know that the school system has programs to help in and out of school, even during the summer. They can come to your home and help the entire family. My son is in the spectrum and has been in school since he was 3. We have learned of widgets and weighted vests and blankets to help keep them calm in environments where it is hard to keep their stress levels down. He carried a Woody doll ( from Toy Story) for years. Now he carries a car in his pocket. It’s the little things that can keep them calm. They also have stones with encouragement words on them, but in order for these to work they must have time enough to understand the purpose in making them a reminder to stay calm. Videos and apps are a great way to teach them emotions and social cues. Now my man is in the second grade although he is still in speech and occupational therapy he is an A B student in a mainstream class. They are very capable to learn and cope with situations if the parent is able to stay consistent. As my son has had trouble with being around a big group of people with lots of noise he can now handle being social without it overwhelming him. I wish I could help more parents to deal with this because I have seen what can be done with my own child. You must never let what others think bother you. Because then your child has a hard time coping if his parent or guardian can’t handle it, they think they can’t either. They feed off the feelings of others around them. Staying positive is the best way to make your child understand that these things are normal even though they see situations as fearful and sometimes painful. My son would also look at me when he felt overwhelmed and I would simply give him a thumbs up or tell him simply that it’s ok. By me not making a big deal out of the noise or tons of people around us he eventually learned that this is normal and he can handle it. So pay attention to your child and see the expressions on their faces as most do not have any other way of communicating. Encouragement and keeping yourself calm is key. I have talked with parents and seen the way that others treat my son and I can tell you to never allow them to use this as a crutch in life. We all have autism traits as you think about your “pet peavs” you must learn to cope with them because otherwise they would control your life. No one needs any pity for the way they are in any aspect. Temper tantrums are one way children communicate whether autistic or not. They must be handled in the same manner. I have seen parents with autistic children that simply ignore them when having them. Timeouts and earning stickers for good behavior is a great way to deal with these, even if your in the middle of shopping it is best to stop and take a moment to let your child reflect on the situation and encourage them that it’s ok to feel the way they do, but they must learn to express it in a more calm manner to control their own stress levels. I know I have went on and on, but let me share one strategy that I have found works.
Take tennis balls and the holder. Color the balls. One green, yellow & red. Take privileges you allow them at every level. Red basically being grounded, but still allowing something to occupy their time. When they misbehave take the green ball, which would be all privileges. When on yellow they only have certain privileges they get because of their behavior. So on and so forth. Allow you child to earn the higher privilege levels back. This shows the can be rewarded for good behavior and positive reinforcement is always good. My son cannot stand loosing his green, as over time he has learned to be proud of keeping his privileges. Every week allow them a small reward for staying on green. My son gets a cheap car every week for staying green. This takes consistency from the parent otherwise it cannot work. As far as the child understanding the purpose, don’t give up. They will get it. There are any ways to reward good behavior, this is just one of my favs. I have found that the more positive you are about anything your child does the more positive they are. My son has lots of friends who sometimes allow him slack that they wouldn’t give other peers. I try to let them know that he should be treated the same as everyone else, because I would never want him to learn he is better than anyone else. If he thought that now “life” would be very hard on him once he is older. I love the fact that parents can get help from others and I think we should all learn that autism is special, but our children need to learn they must cope with their difficulties in life so they can be a part of society without feeling so out of place. I want for my son to know he is special because we all are, but I want him to understand his disabilities are not a crutch to get his way. I hope I have helped. Parents of autistic children must stay focused and it is hard work, but if we want our “au-some” kids to be learn we must see that it is done. Sometimes we underestimate what can be taught, even if it takes being very repetitive, they can learn and learn well. Only if we figure out their unique way of thinking.”

Violence is a worry for Valerie ” Violent behaviour towards myself & my other daughter is my biggest struggle and as someone else mentioned, she is getting bigger and stronger and I am less able to stop it. She often won’t listen to reasoning when I try to explain the reasons why I am not allowing her to do some of the things she wants to”

Late diagnosis was Vicky’s big concern: “My biggest struggle was because my daughter wasn’t diagnosed (11) , before her diagnosis I had no idea why she was behaving the way she was , she was diagnosed aged 7-8 with ADHD but still some if her behaviour didn’t make sense to me , just over a yr ago the docs mentioned ASD , when I looked into so much made sense , 10 mths ago she was diagnosed , theirs still a lot I need to understand and learn but just getting the diagnosis had changed do much x”

A similar situation for Louise ” Life can be a struggle and emotionally exhausting to list a few my sons 13 only got diagnosed with autism in May he’s managing to cope better as he’s getting older but still has his moments his speech has improved thanks to speech and language gives eye contact thanks to a p2 teacher and is finally able to socialize a bit better and is actually making friend he’s came on leaps and bounds over this past yr and has a great support teacher in high school we don’t have a really close family my husbands foster mum some times watches our son if needed but that’s it!!! so can be very lonely at times when he would have a melt down at school bite someone or kick and punch they other mothers didn’t understand as he got made to be the bad kid and kids just started to no like him same with some of our friends who have “perfect kids” they think its not normal behavior but in bens world it is!!! thankfully he’s growing up to be a lovely young man can be very loving and helpful but as he’s officially a teenager now I have the huffiness and major over reactions which he finds hard to control himself but life would be very dull with out him all I do is support him the best I can as he’s growing up its a worry though will he get a job and stick to it will he settle down with someone suppose only time will tell x”

Melissa looks at us as parents and says “My biggest challenge as a parent is patience. My son is very smart but sometimes it takes him a while to pick up on simple things. Being patient makes things less stressful for all of us.”

Monique mentions foods “My twin sister, aged 30 (diagnosed at age 5) only eats 7 foods-fried bacon, fried chicken thigh, juiciful oj, ovaltine biscuit, mangoes(3types), oranges and water . note specific names. My parents had to buy her food in bulk first then get grocery for the rest of the fam. Finances were a challenge but we are still managing. Behaviour wise she jumps and make sounds when excited. She used ti throw tantrums when not getting what she wants. She is much calmer now. She speaks a few words. Her non verbal communication is very good. As a fam we have learnt great patience and understanding. She is a blessing to us. Her interests are watching beauty pageants and history documentaries, using the computer, figuring out electronic equipment. She knows all the flags and countries of the world but cant spell cat. She can write them in any order she wants whether alphabetical or by region. She is a mild case. She loves to play in her hair and style it . she smiles and hugs a lot when she is ready.”

For Sara as with many parents communication is a big issue “My son is 14 and is high functioning. My biggest struggle is dealing with how he converses. We understand that he obsesses about certain subjects and struggles to hold a “normal” conversation with others. He gets bullied often because most kids his age have outgrown his interests and think he’s weird. We work on proper conversing techniques, asking about the other person etc. He forgets when he’s excited and won’t stop talking until he’s made his point, even if interrupted. It’s hard to know he’s struggling at school and not being able to be there.”

As it is for her namesake “My biggest struggle is trying to figure out my daughters wants. She has limited vocabulary. She’s a runner so I have to have a constant eye on her outside and have to make sure she has zero access to the front yard. If her routine gets messed up I have to be ready for a meltdown because it will happen. When she’s upset, which doesn’t happen often, she pulls hair, pinches, or bites while she is screaming. She doesn’t understand dangerous situations so I have to make sure to keep her safe at all times. for instance if I’m cooking on the stove top I make sure to use the back burner but she’s kept out of the kitchen with a baby gate. All doors to bedrooms, hall closets, and bathrooms are locked at all times. I would never trade her for what society deems a normal child as God chose our family to love and care for her. She touches the lives of those she meets and our church absolutely adores her. I have told people you never know unconditional love till you spend an hour with her as all she sees is joy”

Finally Jamie highlights the costs involved in bringing up a child with autism “We felt Ryder who’s 3 wasn’t ready for preschool this year. Our biggest struggle is finances! Only one person can babysit him, which is grandma. She can only handle him 2 days a week due to his meltdowns. That leaves daddy as his full time caregiver. I am ashamed to say I can’t handle my son due do to my back. So, I work full time, and daddy maybe gets 2 days a week. I gross Max $2,200 a month, Ryder get ssi disability plus whatever daddy can bring home. No credit cards to help the in between. Rent alone is $1000. Utilities and food. Don’t qualify for foodstamps. It’s stressful trying to make ends meet. Family gives us toys for ryders birthday. Each one has caused us nothing but grief and meltdowns. That includes gifts for my daughter who’s 11. But our boy is so beautiful and amazing. One hour at a time.”

So please do comments on these idea and share any advice you may have.

Many thanks in advance.

Autism and Challenging Behaviour part 10. Autism and wandering! Have your child with autism ever walked off? What did you do about it?

Autism and a missing child

Autism and a missing child

I have to say, as the parent of a seven year old boy with autism, it is one of my greatest fears.

It? When an autistic child goes missing.

What happens if you child wanders off? How do you cope?

So far it has not happened . At present our son John is still quite clingy. Indeed he does not like to swim to the deep end of the pool. Other wise “bad things will happen” as he puts it. But I have to say I’m terrified that a day will come when he just wanders off.

Most of us in the ASD community have read about Avonte Oquendo the 14 year old from New York who went missing in October 2013. He remains were discovered three months later. His mother according to recent reports has decided to take the city among other to court for negligence.

A repeat of such an event is something which scares all parents but with a child with autism it does seem to be much higher.

So what should I do? Sadly it is impossible to watch John every minute to every daY. Hence this blog post.

I’m looking for advice from my readers. Please use the comments section below to add your opinions. It would be great if you could consider some of the following questions.:-

a) Has you child with autism ever wandered? If so what were the circumstance?
b) What do you do to prevent your child from wandering?
c) How effective is it?
d) What one piece of advice would you give to the parents of a child with autism who has just come missing?
e) What are the best places to turn for support?

Please remember that these are only suggestions as to what aspect of the topic to discuss. many thing you have to share will be of great interest to us.

Many thanks in advance.


KirstyEllis It may sound like a stupid idea but if it worry’s you that much that he could just wander off, check out the range of tracking devices you can put on just about anything. They come in all shapes and sizes and some are so tiny you could attach them to belts etc… so long as they are not removed you could find your child using GPS and real time tracking.  My child will run off occasionally given the right situation. He is Autistic.
LorraineScottYoung My daughter only tends to wander when she is in her own world and not aware of what she is doing, she is scared of traffic and roads so she tends to stay close.  However if we are in doors for example a shopping centre she can easily wander off without even realising.

Once on a haven holiday she was having a spin on the dance floor, I popped my head into my bag for a second to get my purse for drinks, when I looked up she was gone.  She had gone from the front of the entertainment room through 2 arcades and got into a Postman pat Ride – it was so scary.

When we went to Butlins we tested her, we let her wander where she wanted so we could follow and see what she would do.  Unfortunately she wandered down to the beach and if we hadn’t been following her she would have gone into the sea – again very scare.

We now use a wristband from I am Lost – here is the link.  So far she hasn’t wandered or got lost but I know should it happen she can point someone to her wristband which they pop a number into an app on their phone and it will dial my number.

Autism Life Hacks – Getting to sleep and staying asleep.

Autism and sleeping

Autism and sleeping

Actually this is also an issue shared by most parents/caregivers of children when they are first born.  One can tell parents of new born babies  as they walk down the road by the zombie-like expression on their faces and occasional habit of going to sleep mid-conversation.

Problem is that for parents of children with autism this can go on for a long, long time after other children are snuggled up in bed.

In AutismTalk (, our Facebook discussion page, people often write in asking questions about how best to get their children with autism a  good night‘s sleep.

Now, I should mention that our son John has over the years developed reasonably regular sleeping habits. Although he is a nightmare when jetlagged.  But then so am I……………..

These days he sleeps from around 10 o’clock in the evening to around 7 o’clock the next morning.  So we know we are doing pretty well considering.  That being said he likes to have a snack before going to sleep (in his case either an apple or a pear) and needs to be cuddled as he drops off.  Oh, and he will often re-appear in the middle of the night to check we are okay.

I can generally tell when this has happened by the kick which emanates from the middle of the bed where he has placed himself.  He has a bath generally after his supper a few hours earlier.

But I know that even though he goes to sleep much later than we would like we are much better off than many parents.  Indeed I’ve heard of some children and adults who hardly sleep. Sometimes just a few minutes at a time.

The aim of this blog post is to give you an opportunity to share your autism and sleeping story.  In particular what methods you have employed to improve the situation.  You might like to consider some of the following questions when giving your comments and sharing your experience:-

1) Can you describe your or your loved one’s sleep patterns and how they have developed/changed over the years?  For better or worse?

2) If you or your child has poor sleeping patterns what effect does this have on the people around your?

3) What techniques have you used to develope a more “normal” sleeping pattern?

4) How successful have they been?

Please feel free to share anything with our readers you think will be of value in the comments section below.

Finally, is it possible for it NOT to be a problem that somebody only sleeps for a shorter time than the eight hour norm?  I know a number of people who really only sleep for a few hours a day and do not suffer from sleep deprivation. Is this ever the case with a person with autism?

Thanks very much in advance.


Melatonin has been a life saver for my two boys with autism. If all else fails I give them half of a dissolving tablet and the drift off 20-30 minutes later. But if you give it every night they can develop a resistance to it and you have to keep upping it. That is why we use it as a last resort. Try a steady nightly schedule first. Hope this helps.
LauraAndruk Elizabeth Howell  A developmental pediatrician told me that autistic children do not produce enough melatonin in order to fall asleep, this is why he suggests it.
clairsims I have two one grandson with downs syndrome and autism, sleep has always been a problem, still is he is now 28yrs, My great grandson is 4yrs old just been diagnosed with autism, just read about melatonin and calms forte, going to call my granddaughter and have her check this out. Iwill also look in to it.
AimeeTrevelyan Our lb used to have to be cuddled to sleep evey night, would take hours laying in bed, and eventually he would drop off usually before midnight, but then would wake around 2 and stay awake for about 3 hours running around smiling. When he was a baby we couldn’t put him in his cot and do the whole cry to sleep thing he would just make himself sick. He was put on fenerghen and it made things worse. Then when he was diagnosed high functioning asd at the age of 3 they prescribed 3ml of melatonin nightly and now majority of the time he falls asleep by 9 and wakes at 7. So much better 🙂
Rebecca318 Elizabeth Howell Yea – I should have added we only do that during school days or on days when he cannot sleep in the next day.  While it can cause the body to stop producing on its own – he already does not produce enough to slow his brain down so the good far out weighs the possible bad.  He needs sleep and I would rather give him something his body would otherwise produce instead of a narcotic or other substance.
Elizabeth Howell There is a problem with giving your child melatonin. Our bodies naturally produce melatonin and when you feed it extra doses your body then stops producing it’s own melatonin which in turn leaves you dependent on the pill. It’s a nice temporary fix but not to give to your child on a nightly basis.
Rebecca318 Melatonin and Calms Forte has worked wonders for my 8 year old son.  The melatonin helps slow his brain down to fall asleep and the Calms Forte helps him stay asleep.  He went from waking 3-4 times a night to now 1 or 2 and sometimes sleeping all night!  Calms Forte is all natural.  I had never heard of it but his new child development specialist recommended it and said she had great results for the sleeping with her spectrum kids as well as ADHD – the Calms Forte has also helped him during the day when he gets really wound up or overwhelmed.  I give him 1/2 of one for the day.  Worth checking out!
nicolebicebey My son was diagnosed PDD/NOS at age 3. He is now 19. He never slept well after the age of 2, he was a perfect baby before that sleeping more than most. He wanted to stay up all hours and then only sleep for about 4hours at most when he did fall asleep. My husband was in the military and we were so tired I remember being so frustrated at my child for not going to sleep so I just laid in his bed with him and made him stay with me and held him tight so he could not leave the bed. He got upset and cried until he cried himself to sleep. That started to be a pattern for about a week until he started to go to sleep when I put him to bed but he never slept through the night. I finally stopped fighting it and found things for him to do during the night which were quiet. Oh we tried GF/Casein free which was good for skin problems but not much else, he was also non verbal. He is now verbal with a slight delay in speech and is “recovered” from the autism. Not really but that’s what I was told by the last person who did his testing. At age 5 when he all of the sudden decided he wanted to make anime cartoons and started drawing I found my quiet task to get him through the night and keep him occupied while we slept. I slept in his room while he drew and drew and drew. He draws wonderfully (thanks to that obsessive quality) and wants to become a special effects artist. He is not a natural artist. There are people who can just draw anything, his comes from working hard at it and he is never without his sketch book. I just took a weakness or problem-his lack of sleep- and turned it into a major strength. I don’t think his sleep pattern will ever be “normal” but he turned into an artist in a very employable field and can now support himself. That is all I ever wanted for him is to have a life where he can be productive and possibly have a family of his own and be happy. I also homeschooled so that helped with our crazy hours.
jlrowan1973 My son, now almost 14, had a really rocky start with his sleep patterns.  I can’t remember exactly when it started, but probably around age 2.  We would put him to bed…then spend the next 3 hours taking turns putting him back into bed when he came out.  It was exhausting for all of us.  We were tired at work the next day and short with the kids, and Luke was trying to sleep in the daytime.  It didn’t matter what we did to keep him awake, he still was up at night for hours.  To be honest, the sleeping didn’t resolve until we put him on a gluten free/casein free diet.  I eliminated dairy first, which I do feel is a bigger problem for him, and the improvement was almost immediate.  Taking out gluten helped too, with the sleeping but with other behaviors as well.  Since then, Luke has not had any sleeping problems.  He goes to bed exactly on time and has an uncanny internal clock that wakes him up exactly when he needs to to get ready for school.

These days, we are more lax on the GFCF diet and give enzymes with dairy/gluten, but in the beginning, I think the strict diet was crucial for helping his sleep habits along with many other behaviors.  Dairy contributes to his stimming and general awareness of everything around him.  When we first eliminated dairy, I saw a cloud lift from his eyes almost immediately.  Gluten contributes to his emotional well-being.  If he gets a lot of gluten, even now, I notice more anxiety and a shorter temper.

I know the diet is still controversial, but that is how we solved a lot of problems.  Did it “cure” my son?  No, not by a long shot.  However, it was and still is a huge component of his success.  The diet was something I could control and I was adamant about not using medication with him and it worked out for us.

Toilet training your child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? An invitation to take part in a research project from in the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

We are running a  number of invitations to our readers to participate in research which we hope will greatly benefit the wider autism community on behalf of in the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).  You can check out their web site here

The subject of this study is toilet training and autistic children.

Has your child experienced toilet training difficulties?  Or has toileting been successful for your child? The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN) in National University of Ireland, Galway are interested in hearing about your experiences with toileting a child or adolescent aged 5 to 17 years with autism.  We are interested in how being successfully toilet trained or not being toilet trained affects a child’s sleep, gastrointestinal symptoms, adaptive behaviour and quality of life. Even if your child doesn’t have these symptoms, we can still learn a lot from your information on why some children have these symptoms and others do not.

Please click below to learn more.

For a detailed discussion on toilet training for children with autism please have a look at our previous blog post on the subject

Does your child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have behaviour problems? Please help The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN) with their important research.

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

We are posting this invitation on behalf of Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).  You can have a look at their web site here


Some children with autism have behaviour problems. Other children have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) or display some AD/HD symptoms, while some children do not have these symptoms. The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN) are interested in investigating behaviour problems and AD/HD symptoms in children with autism. We are also interested in investigating whether there is a link between behaviour problems and gastrointestinal symptoms. We would like to hear from parents of children with autism who are aged 6 to 17 years. Even if your child doesn’t have these symptoms, we can still learn a lot from your information on why some children have behaviour problems and why others do not.

Please click below to learn more.


You might be interested in our previous blogs on autism and challenging behaviour here