Toilet training your child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? An invitation to take part in a research project from in the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research

We are running a  number of invitations to our readers to participate in research which we hope will greatly benefit the wider autism community on behalf of in the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).  You can check out their web site here

The subject of this study is toilet training and autistic children.

Has your child experienced toilet training difficulties?  Or has toileting been successful for your child? The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN) in National University of Ireland, Galway are interested in hearing about your experiences with toileting a child or adolescent aged 5 to 17 years with autism.  We are interested in how being successfully toilet trained or not being toilet trained affects a child’s sleep, gastrointestinal symptoms, adaptive behaviour and quality of life. Even if your child doesn’t have these symptoms, we can still learn a lot from your information on why some children have these symptoms and others do not.

Please click below to learn more.

For a detailed discussion on toilet training for children with autism please have a look at our previous blog post on the subject

3 thoughts on “Toilet training your child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? An invitation to take part in a research project from in the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN).

  1. My grandson will go pee but only goes when he wants to. I can’t get him to go pooh tho. He has been wearing underwear for the past year and half. I just want him to go pooh but he thinks it is a game. I wish I had answers. He is almost 6 and without a diagnosis it sure makes it hard. I’m taking him to Vanderbilt on the 30th to see what else I can do to get him some help.

  2. Our 4 yr old son would pee in the toilet more than he would #2. There are times when he will #2 in the tiolet if we notice he has to go. He still wears pull up. At times he will go pee on his own both standing up and sitting. It took him a while to get adjusted to the sound of the flush. During the day he will wear underwear if his teacher put it on. So far he has been able to ride the bus to and fro. At home he will not wear underwear for more than 10 mins. Our guess is he is conscious of it more at home and this is why he pulls it off.

  3. my 6 year old son urinates in the toilet but poops in diapers. We tried teaching him to use the toilet for pooping but he cries if we persists. He wears diapers when he goes to school or if we go out. His developmental pedia told us to focus on teaching  him how to use the toilet but let my son be the one to decide when he wants to do it. His sleep pattern and bowel movement is normal if his daily schedule is followed. So we try not disrupt it.

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