Why Autism Diagnosis Can Change as Children Grow Up

Talking to children about feelings

Talking to children about feelings

Children with autism tend to also have other disorders, such as a learning disability or depression, which affect them in different ways as they age, a new study finds.

The findings may explain, in part, why children with autism often see a change in their diagnoses as they grow older, the study suggests.

The study was based on 1,366 children who had taken part in a national health survey who either were currently diagnosed with autism, or had been in the past but no longer had the diagnosis.

“Parents should have their child checked for other conditions to make sure an autism diagnosis is properly determined,” said study researcher Li-Ching Lee, a psychiatric epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

“That way, a more appropriate intervention for the child can be planned as early as possible,” Lee said.

The study is published today (Jan. 23) in the journal Pediatrics.

Read the full article here.