What is the National Council on Severe Autism?


A couple of weeks ago while procrastinating from what I should have been doing and scrolling through Facebook I saw a post that immediately caught my interest. It was from the National Council on Severe Autism (NCSA) which I had never heard of, and the title read “Suffering in Silence: The Dark Side of Autism.”

I actually put down my chocolate for better scrolling access, and I never put down my chocolate for anything.

I read the article by a mom out in California who spoke about an incident she had lived through with her eleven-year-old severely autistic son, one which culminated in the California Highway patrol pulling up behind her as she parked her car on the highway and hoped to quell the rage her son was displaying toward her so she could safely leave. Both her love and her fear for and of her son came through in every sentence, as well as her heartache in knowing that an attempt to take him ice skating could end this way.

These are the stories we do not see portrayed on tv on “The Good Doctor,” or in “Parenthood.” Yet, they exist. And they are tearing families apart.

People need to be made aware that even when autistic children receive the best of therapies, are in excellent school programs, and live with loving families, incidences of violence can occur.

Read the full article here.

You can check out the website of the National Council on Severe Autism here