What Is Mind-Muscle Connection?

We all get distracted, it’s true. There’s a lot that competes for our attention—work, electronics, social media, family, friends, hobbies. And even when it might seem that you’re not distracted—say, when you work out—you might be more unaware than you realize. For example, is the TV blaring? Are you listening to a podcast or music through your headphones? Then you’re not really paying attention to your muscles, to your effort, and ultimately to your workout. And if you’re distracted, then you may not be pushing yourself or be in tune to possible injuries in ways that you should be.

But try, for a moment, to think about a workout without those distractions. When you lift weights you could really focus on that muscle, pushing and pulling the fibers as you’re supposed to. What other benefits do working out without distractions provide? This graphic explains them.

What Is Mind-Muscle Connection?
“What Is Mind-Muscle Connection?” on Health Perch