Weight loss and Metabolism – Is metabolism the root cause of all weight gain?

Welcome to our blog which looks at  the relationship between obesity and metabolic rates.

The motivation behind this blog is a piece of research from Sweden where Professor Fredrik Nystrom, of Linkoping University tried to replicate the experiment conducted in Morgan Spurlock’s  film “Super Size Me” under laboratory conditions.

Most research it seems has been carried out with people who are already overweight. In this experiment research was carried out with people of normal weight on their normal diet to see whether weight gain was a similar issue to those who are overweight.  During the research it was observed that these volunteers had a higher metabolic rate than those who were overweight because they often mentioned feeling hot/warm/sweaty when overeating.

We would like you to think about this and let us know how you feel when you eat or overeat.



In particular we are interested in the following questions regarding weight loss and metabolism

  • When you are eating/overeating, do you feel warm, hot or sweaty?
  • Do you feel that whatever you eat makes you put on weight?
  • Do you never put on weight but feel hot/warm when you eat/overeat?
  • Do you feel that more help should be available to monitor metabolic rates?

Of course we would appreciate any comments you might have on obesity and weight issues.

Please feel to contribute your thoughts and share your experiences.  All you need to do is type a nickname of your choice and the put your comments into the box below.

10 thoughts on “Weight loss and Metabolism – Is metabolism the root cause of all weight gain?

  1. I have been following The Lyn Genet Plan. IT is a process of elimination kind of thing. This is for those of us who are eating healthy and exercising yet we were not losing weight. Because of the differences in our bodies, we digest food different from each other. What works for you, might not work for me. I eat over 2500 calories a day and I don’t usually gain weight. I will often lose any weight I gain until my body reaches it’s ideal weight. I drink close to hale my body weight in ounces of water. That is 80 ounces of water a day. The science behind The Plan is proven and really works for anyone. The food industry has messed with our foods so much that they make us gain weight. My girlfriend has a weight gain from the slightest amount of Bell Peppers, Chic Peas, Pork Chops and Loin, some forms of wheat, and some White Fish. I would seriously recommend this to anyone. Eat till you full and don’t worry about calories. Just find those pesky foods that are causing the inflammation (weight gain). I have lost 25 pounds and have kept it off for the last five months. I started in February at 190. I am currently at 165 and teetering. I am eating some awesome food and not worrying about gaining a thing. Check it out. The Plan by Lyn Genet.

  2. i had my third daughter, right after having her I was 162 (high healthy weight for my height 5’9) then I gained 25 pounds out of nowhere ( i was eating right and excersizing religiously) I started developing fibro, I joined Weight watchers, got back down to 162, then in the space of 2 months gained the 25 pounds back! I have yet to be able to take it back off. I have fluccuated up and down 10 pounds for the past 2 years. I have fibro, so I excersize when I can, I’m still watching what I eat, but I can’t for the LIFE of me lose it again. I think it’s got to do with my thyroid but my doctor says my numbers are “in range” and are ok..

    • akleve Have your Dr check your T3 and T4.  Your TSH can be normal even when the T4 is low due to T3 overproducing.

    • Jenna66 akleve  Yes, the T4 and T3 were both in “normal range”, although the T3 was at the high end of the number range

    • akleveI have been following The Lyn Genet Plan. IT is a process of elimination
      kind of thing. This is for those of us who are eating healthy and
      exercising yet we were not losing weight. Because of the differences in
      our bodies, we digest food different from each other. What works for
      you, might not work for me. I eat over 2500 calories a day and I don’t
      usually gain weight. I will often lose any weight I gain until my body
      reaches it’s ideal weight. I drink close to hale my body weight in
      ounces of water. That is 80 ounces of water a day. The science behind
      The Plan is proven and really works for anyone. The food industry has
      messed with our foods so much that they make us gain weight. My
      girlfriend has a weight gain from the slightest amount of Bell Peppers,
      Chic Peas, Pork Chops and Loin, some forms of wheat, and some White
      Fish. I would seriously recommend this to anyone. Eat till you full and
      don’t worry about calories. Just find those pesky foods that are causing
      the inflammation (weight gain). I have lost 25 pounds and have kept it
      off for the last five months. I started in February at 190. I am
      currently at 165 and teetering. I am eating some awesome food and not
      worrying about gaining a thing. Check it out. The Plan by Lyn Genet.

  3. I never had weight problems until after I had my children. But even then I was able to lose it. Then when I was around 43-45, I was diagnosed with a slow thyroid. I’ve struggled ever since. Now I have MS and with all the medications & side affects from the MS & my thyroid, it seems I can’t do anything but gain weight. And everything on the market tells you not to use it if you have a thyroid problem. Exercise just makes my MS act up and then I struggle with the pain. What am I supposed to do?

    • DanaKingThompson I’ve read that going on a gluten free non soy diet helps with low thyroid.  I have yet to try it.  My T4 is low.

    • DanaKingThompson I have been going to a dietitian and keeping a eating diary.  I cannot work out except for my PT exercises due MS.  I have taken off 10 lbs in a few weeks so far by just doing this.  I eat fresh veggies instead of the sweets and candies.

  4. Goosette
    I never had weight issues until I was in need for IV steroids. Bammm 10-20 and some cases 30lbs at a time.
    I went from 125 to 193 (heart attack) down to 175. Up down up down. Can’t seem to get below 175.
    I am sure ny metabolism is very low when it use to be high.
    How do I get it back up? Or can I?

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