Walking With Multiple Sclerosis – Managing MS Foot Drop

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Foot Drop can be a difficult symptom of MS. However, it can be managed and possibly reduced to keep you functional.

The following foot drop exercises have helped my clients:
1. Find tender spots of bottom of foot and massage spots for 30 sec
2. Hold ankle still and focus on LIFTING toes up, pause for 2-3 sec and then release toes. NOTE: Do not let ankle move. Perform 15-30 reps.
3. Find tender spots on calf, achilles tendon, massage spots 30-45 sec.
4. Perform ankle mobilization on 2-4″ step (see video) 10-15 reps
5. Perform Foot Pull back off the wall: Sit w/ feet flat against wall, legs straight. Pull toes & ankle back, pause 2-3 sec.