Multiple Sclerosis Hug! Have you ever suffered an MS Hug?

One of the big topics surrounding the symptoms of multiple sclerosis is the MS Hug.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

But not all people with Multiple Sclerosis experience an MS  Hug?

Today we are asking our readers to tell us about the MS  Hig via our poll below.

It would also be great if you could use the comments box below to share a bit more about what it is like to have had an MS Hug.

Thanks very much in advance

26 thoughts on “Multiple Sclerosis Hug! Have you ever suffered an MS Hug?

  1. I suffered the MS Hug a few times over the years. It feels like my chest is being crushed. It hurts to take a breath in. I have described a feeling like my rib cage is being overlapped at the front it’s so painful. It’s so scary not being able to breath right with the feeling of being crushed too.

  2. I have had my first experience of it. Been suffering since last Saturday. In the last few days other symptoms have appeared so it would appear I am having a relapse. Got prescribed steroids today so hoping for some improvement over next few days.

  3. My 1st time I felt like I was being squeezed. My chest, legs & arms felt so heavy. I still feel like but mostly at night.

  4. tlc2tfruitie change Dr.s immediately if your Neuro doesn’t understand the MS hug.  That’s basic MS.

  5. When I first experienced the MS hug I didn’t realise that’s what it was – I was convinced I had a chest infection as I was having the tight chest feeling that normally occurs however my Dr checked me out and I didn’t have a chest infection at all and I was so surprised. I was also out of breath all the time at the least bit of effort such as cooking or walking from one room to another and I also didn’t realise I was sighing all the time, especially when prepping food or again doing anything with the least bit of effort. So while I expected the MS hug to hurt or feel different to this I’ve now realised this is also how it can manifest itself. It’s a tight feeling in my chest, can make me easily out of breath and causes me to sigh an awful lot, like I can’t get my breath quick enough. MS certainly is a strange thing.

  6. It can be the most painful,scariest thing. Its the sensation of tight constricting pain around your ribcage and around you back. It hurts so bad that you can’t take a breath in. If you do the pain is so sharp it feels like your being stabbed in the ribs. So the first few minutes of intense pain I have to hold my breath,the pain is so bad I normally end up on the floor. Then I’ll try sneaking in little breaths once the initial “grip” slacks a bit and take an apo-cyclobenzaprine. I will continue tiny breaths until it kicks in. Its a muscle relaxant and I find it does wonders for it. You just have to wait for it to work. After its a little better I will go take a warm bath and encourage everything to unclench. Its seriously painful though. I get them in batches, like lots in a few days then nothing for a few weeks. If I get tired it brings them on. The last one was last week when I just got home from shopping. Was exhausted. Ended up on the kitchen floor for 45 minutes with my husband dashing for pills,water and heat bags. Heat bags feel nice on it. Definitely not fun.

  7. It felt like a boa constrictor was wrapped around my chest. Thought at first is was just heartburn but when I felt the pain go around to my back as well I understood that this must be what an MS Hug feels like. Only lasted about 30 minutes but was very un-nerving the first time. Have had it happen about 3 or 4 times now, I just try and relax and stretch my muscles a little to relieve it

  8. Is it possible to have half a MS Hug…since July 2013 Ive had no feeling in my side from the right of my navel around to the right of my spine (at the same time its hypersensitive – go figure). Every once in a while it tightens up on me like a hug.  Usually just lasts a few mins or so.

  9. I don’t know what it is like I know I have had the muscles in my upper back tighten up on me just the other day

  10. I just responded to the question about an MS Hug. Yes, I have felt a tightening around my middle like a hug. My massage therapist has a move she does where she lifts me slightly. She said she doesn’t usually do this because normally people don’t like it. She says it manipulates my diaphragm. I immediately get a chill but it feels good.

  11. This is why my favorite saying since being diagnosed is, the only true experts on MS, are the people who HAVE MS!
    Hence, “if you don’t get it, you don’t get it”!
    Stay well.

  12. I was dx’d in 2006 & for the first couple of years had NO clue what this was – I researched online & assumed (according to the location of the pain & my history with asthma & COPD) that it had something to do with my diaphragm – LOL!!  Clearly – I’m NOT a doctor!  It felt like someone was squeezing the crap out of an organ underneath my rib-cage though to the point of my being unable to take a deep breath – so that’s what I went with for the first few years?!  How DUMB was “I”?!  Better yet…  How dumb was my Neuro?!  haha!  Thanks to YOU GUYS – I finally know that it’s “something” and something REAL; not just in my head like my Neuro always tells me!!  Keep hangin’ in there and PLEASE continue sharing!!!  You have NO idea how helpful it can be to those who are clueless with this crazy disease seeing providers who don’t care.  <3

  13. Awe I have it pretty bad as well it is just a part of it. There are things to avoid , anything tight around the waist, helps . You will get used to it. Be kind to your body and rest If it gets worse at times for me it signals for me to slow down….. hope this helps.

  14. I’ve had the MS hug for close to 3 yrs now. It started as little pin pricks on my rt side just below my ribs. It progressed to numbness and finally to pain,constriction and pressure. It now includes my left side also. It is there constantly, just at different degrees of uncomfortableness. Sleeping can be a challenge because of the pain.I take gabapentin for it at bedtime and can take it during the day but it makes me too groggy.Walking too fast, bending, reaching,lifting…almost anything I do,makes it worse. I was dx in 2002 and had never heard of the hug before I got it myself. It is not fun.

  15. Woke up about 2am in the clutches of aBoa constrictor around my upper torso. Writhed in discomfort for the rest of the night, woke up at my alarm for work. Had the feeling of being run over by a tractor trailer until i went to sleep that night. Woke up the following day a little battered but  back to manageable.

  16. It is like you are getting the heimlich maneuver.  OUCH!  A big, painful squeeze all the way around your ribcage to your back.

  17. …feels like i’m being punched just below the sternum and that someone’s grabbing the ribcage edges. It makes it hard to be comfortable sitting… not enough space to breath in, like i’m scrunched up, but i’m not.  It also hurts to breath in because of sharp pain… as if that would do any good, since it feels like very little air is coming in anyway, during the “hug.” 

    Not sure if the m.s. hug also relates to the sensation on the legs below the knees, but i get the tight band or compression sensations there, as well.   ugh

  18. sounds good! haha anyway.

    i get MS hugs under my feet as if a tight cloth is wrapped around  pulling upwards.. hm prettyt annoying

    • Alexandra Kroes
      MS hug refers to the middle of the body muscle spasms and cramps.  Like, well, like a hug around the body that ranges from slight pressure to a very tight, painful, cramping  feeling around the ribcage and the chest around to the back.

  19. Thank you for sharing this Info.   I was dx with MS back in 2005 with R/R. I have never heard of the MS Hug before, although I feel I have experienced what you all are talking about.  Although mild, and never gave it a thought.  Now I know, Im learning that it is important to see what other say about MS.  I am blessed no matter what, and if my story can help someone then that would make me happy. God bless everyone and Happy Holidays

  20. I’ve dealt with the “Hug” for years.  It was originally referred to by my Neuro as the “MS Innertube”.  First it was numbness or lack of sensation.  Now it’s become pain, weakness & discomfort.

  21. yep, all the time, it actually hurts my ribcage, like i bruise them, and get hard to take a deep breath, The key is to stay calm…. it will go away.

  22. Boy howdy have I!  I get them frequently unfortunately.  To me they feel like a massive charlie horse all around my ribs and my back.  It’s uncomfortable, scary, and makes me panic sometimes.  The first time it happened I thought I was having a heart attack, but now that I know what it is I try to roll with it…literally, lol.

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