Today is World TB Day – like and share this graphic to show your support for the eradication of Tuberculosis

Today is World TB Day.

We have produced a graphic which we would love it if you could like and share to show your support for the eradication of Tuberculosis.

World TD Day have produced a very disappointing web site at  If you know of any better sites please share in the comments box below.

World TB Day

World TB Day

One thought on “Today is World TB Day – like and share this graphic to show your support for the eradication of Tuberculosis

  1. It’s too bad that MN Dept of Health wasn’t more AWARE of the full affects of TB – especially in someone with lung cancer, and how their employee’s lack of judgement while administering meds to their quarantined patients at home with TB (although I STILL do not believe that my Mother had TB in the first place) would result in the untimely death of that patient along with (I’m assuming several others) due to the fact that when she was admitted into the hospital TWICE – she was in ER, then in rooms with other patients and finally quarantined days later when they FINALLY looked through her files and realized she had had TB for over a YEAR!!!  Good Job MN Dept of Health and CDC!!!  Once we were told she was dying in the hospital – her TB doctor dropped off the face of the earth…  Strange!!  Either way…  my Mother is gone and I have no honest answers – but I have my records and I know the truth ~ What a horribly unorganized and nasty nasty operation they are running!!

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