Tips to Help Your Child with Autism Speak – Advice For Parents Of Autistic Children

Tips to Help Your Child with Autism Speak - Advice For Parents Of ...

Here are the top 5 tips from the Speech therapist, Frances Johnstone. Learn how you can help your autistic child using these simple 5 step strategy.

A child’s speech is not adequate for functional speech (meaning that the child isn’t talking), you will need to introduce various forms of augmentative-alternative communication (AAC) until you find a method that works for the child. Communication problems. A person with autism may have one or more of these communication challenges:

1. The trouble with conversational skills, which include eye contact and gestures

2. Trouble understanding the meaning of words outside the context where they were learned

3. Memorization of things heard without knowing what’s been said Reliance on echolalia — the repeating of another’s words as they are being said — as the main way to communicate

4. Little understanding of the meaning of words or symbols

5. Lack of creative language Because of these challenges, a child with autism must do more than learn how to speak.

The child also has to learn how to use language to communicate. This includes knowing how to hold a conversation. It also includes tuning into both verbal and nonverbal cues from other people — such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.