Tips for first time parents. What one piece of advice would you give

How to use play to aid your child’s development

How to use play to aid your child’s development

milk bottlesWith the birth of a new royal the UK’s press has been going quite mad with baby tips.

In the spirit of “if you can’t beat ‘em join’em” (and because actually we think your advice is better than the “experts”) we are running a blog which allows you to share your experiences of being a parent.  A sort of blog version of a “manual”.  Dos and don’ts for new parents.  That kind of thing.

To be honest most of the advice my wife and I were given was complete rubbish.  I remember one idiot told me that fatherhood was completely instinctive.  Try replaying that bit of advice at 3.00am when you are trying to get a two month old to go to sleep so that you can go to work in the morning without passing out yourself.  The only instinct was to go to sleep.

So over to you.  What one pieces of advice would you give to a new parent?  Can you suggest any good web sites and books that you have used and actually think are worth a read?

I’ll kick the ball rolling by sharing “If you use public transport make sure you get a light weight buggy.  Much easier to fold up”

Thanks in advance for your ideas

4 thoughts on “Tips for first time parents. What one piece of advice would you give

  1. Enjoy every single second as they grow up so fast. Love them unconditionally & spend all the time you can with them because what you put in, you will get in return

  2. Enjoy every single second as they grow up so fast. Love them unconditionally & spend all the time you can with them because what you put in, you will get in

  3. don’t listen to the experts they don’t know a thing.. parenthood doesn’t come out of a book.. it comes with common sense, sleepless nights and time x

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