The Pelvic Floor Diet

‘Your general health is always important but you should increase your intake of certain types of foods to help lower bladder irritation.

Firstly, dairy is essential for the increased need for calcium. Good quality yoghurt is a great choice for all that extra calcium and magnesium needed by the foetus. Opt for the low sugar varieties to help avoid gaining unnecessary weight. If you’re dairy free, you can also find calcium in bone broth and leafy greens.

Water, (not the carbonated or artificially flavoured kind) helps to flush out toxins from your system and keeps your body working at its most efficient. Aim for 6 to 8 glasses a day.

Omega 3 rich foods, found in salmon, anchovies, tuna etc. will benefit both you and your growing baby as Omega 3 naturally decreases inflammation.

Fresh vegetables and fruit will not only bring colour and flavour into your meals, they will also give extra roughage which is vital for maintaining regular bowel movements. Something which in turn impacts on pelvic floor health.

Try to avoid overindulging on foods and drinks that can irritate your bladder. These include salt, alcohol, caffeine, spicy food and highly acidic fruit and vegetables, such as tomatoes, cranberries and oranges.

A healthy diet containing a balance of all the essential food groups is easy to achieve. Try changing one thing every week and before you know it, you’ll have a better diet, better health and a stronger pelvic floor.’

Pelvic Floor Diet

Pelvic Floor Diet

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