Taking Care of Yourself through the Ups and Downs of Caregiving

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Hosted by: brainXchange in partnership with the Parkinson Society Canada, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alzheimer Society, who gratefully acknowledge the support of Biogen who provided an education grant for this webinar.
Presented by: Bonnie Schroeder, MSW, RSW & John Parkhurst

Summary: Caregivers play a major role taking care of family members with neurological health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. Many caregivers would not have it any other way. Yet, caregivers need help to see to their own needs. We know that stress can be a serious issue and can lead to poorer health for caregivers.

During this talk, we explore:
~physical and emotional changes that can come with each stage of caregiving
~typical range of feelings (the ups and the downs) as a natural part of caregiving
~ways to spot stress and other mental health concerns
~tips to staying healthy and well

Taking Care of Yourself through the Ups and Downs of Caregiving from brainXchange on Vimeo.