Yoga for back pain

As many of you know by now I’m interested in drug-free treatments for pain. Especially types of exercise which has so many benefits.

Our recent blog on a new treatment for nerve pain may be of interest. Especially to multiple sclerosis patients. Indeed we have covered Yoga for people with MS in a previous blog.

Anyhow do take a look at the infographic below and tell us what you think.

Yoga Eases Symptoms of Chronic Low Back Pain

Image via: Yoga Eases Symptoms of Chronic Low Back Pain

Pain – some tips for exercise for pain relief

We have covered the area of pain and exercise a few times in this blog.

We posted a few general tips in this post. And focused on the area of multiple sclerosis and yoga, for example, here.

So I was please to see this useful over all introduction to exercise and pain in infographic form.

Please do have a look and tell us what you think.

Many thanks

Pain Relief Exercise Tips

From Visually.

How to choose the best yoga for your brain


Yoga for the brain

Yoga for the brain

Mental soundness is very important in an individual’s life as it affects the way you conduct your daily activities. Your mind serves as the control system of all your body activities whether voluntary or involuntary. Maintaining a good and sound mental state improves the science behind moral judgement. In the recent days, most people are focused on activities that help reduce their body fat capacity, enlarge muscles and keep fit and often forget the importance of engaging in activities that work to improve the quality of their mental condition. Although some people engage in yoga activities, they do not know the right and appropriate exercises or procedures to improve the quality of their brain. According to the recent health products reviews, stress is your brain’s worst enemy and to adequately deal with it there are several yoga poses that you have to adopt as discussed below.

Forward and backward bending

To adequately deal with stress to protect the health of your brain, you should engage in activities that work to ensure you are relaxed. Yoga activities that comprise of forward and backward bending are very important for your brain because the bending facilitates the fluctuations in intracranial pressure. Your body is composed of switches that send signals to your brain when engaged. Your brain cannot function on its own to control various activities in your body thus it consists of other supporting components such as tense and relaxation switches in your neck and other parts of your body. The bending engages these switches thus sending relaxation signals to your brain to help relax your body. You can also use medical supplements such as ‘Brain and Focus’ to help relax your body artificially.

Concentration and being still

To help improve your cognitive skills, you should engage in mindfulness yoga activities to boost your concentration and listening skills. Some of the mindfulness yoga activities demands a lot of concentration and focus which is very vital to improve the logical part of your brain. To remain in a still position, your brain has to overcome any stress triggering signals. Therefore, engaging in yoga activities that calls for vast concentration and focus is very important to help deal with stress and improve your concentration and listening abilities simultaneously.


Stretching involves a lot of muscle stretching. Different people have varied brain capacity and capabilities. Therefore, different yoga activities produce varied results on people. Therefore, you have to actively engage in several yoga activities to determine the ones that work best for your brain. Yoga activities that consist of stretching postures strain your muscles thus triggering the release of tense signals in your brain. This ensures you put extra strain on your brain to resist the strain thus effectively improving the quality of the logical part of your brain. This is very important in dealing with stress because stress is a cause of great strain in your body and brain and needs to be dealt with in the most effective way.

Muscle contracting

Engaging in muscle contracting yoga activities is another way to strain your muscles to facilitate the triggering of tense signals in your brain. To effectively train the logical part of your brain without hurting yourself, choose a yoga muscle contracting activity that contracts your muscles putting more strain on them to trigger the release of tense signals. This prepares your brain to deal with challenging and stressful situations that puts a vast strain on your body.


Most people engage in yoga activities without knowing the right and appropriate one for their brain. The brain is the most important part of your body because it serves as the control system of all activities in your body. To boost your brain functioning and power ensure you choose a yoga activity that best works for you. Yoga activities have been in use for many years for their many health benefits. They help improve the logical and cognitive aspects of your brain.





Author Bio

Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in the USA. She has done MA in English literature, and she loves to write articles on health and beauty. Also, she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011. Her articles are both professional and creative. You can contact her on Facebook and Twitter.

Life with Fibromyalgia. Tips for living with Fibro from People with Fibro!

Fibromyalgia Awareness

Fibromyalgia Awareness

A few months ago we ran a very successful discussion on our Facebook Page, called FibromyalgiaTalk, entitled “What advice would you give to a person who had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”. We then covered some of the responses in a blog post which you can read here.

The responses were amazing both in terms of quantity and quality so we decided it would be useful to run a similar discussion asking for tips you might have about living with fibromyalgia.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to the 250 people (so far) who have replied since we started the conversation on Monday. So we would love to share with you a few of the tips . It would be great if you would care to share any of your own in the comments box and the end of this blog post.

“Find a doctor who knows and treats fibromyalgia. Get lots of sleep. Ignore everyone else’s expectations of you and slow down on life. Rest, drink lots of water and TRY to stretch daily. Your friends and family will all give you ideas on what you should do to feel better–it might get annoying—just smile and know they are just trying to help! Hope this helps!!” was great advice from Jennifer!

Brittany was simple but to the point ” Reduce stress as much as possible, take hot baths and time for yourself”

Wendy was very sensible “I had to learn to forgive myself for not being “me” any more, most days I manage it! My usual advice still stands, be kind to yourself, learn how to pace and use the NO word when you need to x”. Another talked about pacing “When your having an almost pain free day and feel good , don’t push yourself because you will pay for it a few days later , sometimes with days of pain …”

One reader shared this great idea for a birthday present “Ask for gift vouchers for therapeutic massage for birthdays and Christmas it hurts a bit at first but you feel so good afterwards. Best present ever x”

Tricia was very practical “Natural Vitamin D3, make sure it’s D3, about 30-50,000 iu a week will make a tremendous difference. Most fibro sufferers are unable to absorb normally and are deficient. Magnesium is good. Take fish oil to go with the D3 and take K2. They enhance each other. Also, heat helps. Hot baths, and extra blanket, and warm sweater. Massages and chiropractic care are definitely a help. Yoga and exercise on your good days. Lastly, rest and reduce stress because these are our biggest triggers along with the weather. Rain is evil. Lol! Take care of yourself.”

And Shell talked about “Do your own research. Believe in yourself & write all of your issues down.”

Which, of course, is one of the aims of this post. So as we said earlier what should be added to this list of tips?

Please use the comments section below to share yours.

Natural Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis Part Two. What natural, alternative or complementary treatments do you use for multiple sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

One of the areas of interest for this blog is the whole issue of natural, alternative or complementary medicine.  In particular for such neurological conditions as multiple sclerosis (MS).

We have covered an overview of the area here  Diet and multiple sclerosis has its own section but we have covered Yoga, for example, here

The aim of today’s blog is to find out what treatments have been used by our readers.   So we have set up a very short poll.  It would be great if you could take part below.

Please use the comments box to share more about your experience of natural, alternative or complementary treatments for multiple sclerosis.  In particular we would love to know how successful these treatments have been.

Many thanks in advance