This is so moving. Just look at the children with Medical Helmets when they have been painted. So cute!

Cassie - shares a picture of her son Seiger

Cassie – shares a picture of her son Seiger

Last week I was giong through Facebook preparing some posts for our group AutismTalk. (Do join us if you have any interest in special needs or ASD). Because I support various different pages and groups by timeline gets filled up with all sorts of stuff.

But that day I found myself moved by a particular picture from the excellent page Stop Discrimination against Special Needs. They had shared one of those wonderful posts which are both moving and show that challenges faced by youngsters will serious medical conditions or special needs.

I forwarded a post which showed a before and after poster of a very young child who has to ear a medical helmet. In the first picture it is plain white. In the second it shows the medical helmet after it has been painted in the style of a pre-war motorcycle helmet. And our readers loved it.

In fact a few of them shared the photographs of their children with medical helmets.

We thought that they were both really cute but also a great way of promote awareness.

If you like them please feel free to share the page. If you have a picture of your own child with a medical helmet please feel free to share using the comments box or send to us at

Many thanks in advance.

Kerry share this great photo of a medical helmet

Kerry share this great photo of a medical helmet

Jenipher's child gives some useful advice about medical helmets

Jenipher’s child gives some useful advice about medical helmets

Mikayla says" Wish I would of known about this sooner #lovemyboy #helmetlove "

Mikayla says” Wish I would of known about this sooner #lovemyboy #helmetlove “

Sami - shares "My Son Happy as can be with his camo helmet"

Sami – shares “My Son Happy as can be with his camo helmet”