More Updated information – How should we address Nurses these days?

Miss?  Is it still polite?

Miss? Is it still polite?

I like many of my readers have to see a nurse on a regular basis.

I few days ago mine changed faces. I’d been seeing my old one for years so it was a bit of a shock.

Anyhow as I did not know her name I addressed her as simply “Miss”. Miss is standard (in England) for female teachers by the way. And was for policewomen as well.

Her reaction ( and she did react) was that “these days” I wasn’t supposed to use the term Miss to address here but she said she didn’t mind it at all.

So I was intrigued how others think of this. So please do take our poll.

If you are a nurse please do tell us how you would like to be called in the comments section below! Also should I continue to call the lady “Miss”?


These are the results from our Twitter poll

And one we conducted later with nurses themselves