Please Hear What I’m Not Saying – A wonderful poem performed in Paul Wiggins which helps spread mental health awareness in the NHS

A couple of days ago Paul Wiggins got in touch asking if we would share this video which is used as part of county-wide the UK’s NHS training for staff working in mental health.

Paul shares “This Derbyshire video has inspired people associated with Inside Out Of Mind, namely the

Paul Wiggins

Paul Wiggins

producers of the show, Derby Theatre officers (calling it ‘wonderful’), Justine Schneider of Nottingham University, ‘(inspiring’), the managers of the play and Shoina Powell and her team at Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham.

The poem has touched many people’s lives and speaks with great compassion and insight into the human condition. It’s a reminder to us all particularly those who have a role in listening to others including pastoral visitors. Indeed the poem speaks powerfully of significant realities and truths, to which so many of us remain insensitively dismissive and embodies aspects of compassion focused

Seemingly the poem will continue to resonate with charities and organisations, particularly with cases of dementia likely to double by 2040.”