NHS Change Day – what actually is it?

Healthcare and technology

Healthcare and technology

One of the things about having a socialised medical system is that you are deluged with a barrage of propaganda tell you either how good it is or how bad it is.

In the UK the NHS seems to be delight in telling us how great they are. Which on one level is true.

One of their ideas is called NHS Change Day. I had tried to write about it a few weeks ago but after some hours of reading the blurb I realised I had no idea what it was.

Anyhow this dropped into my inbox this morning so it might help.

“HS Change Day 2015 will take place on Wednesday 11 March, but changes are already in the air at Leicester’s Hospitals.

With several schemes to encourage staff to take matters into their own hands to bring about positive change, this year, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust has asked staff to share the actions they have taken to improve our local hospitals.

NHS Change Day is a grassroots movement created in 2013 which involves hundreds of thousands of health and care workers, patients, carers, volunteers and members of the public from across the UK. The initiative encourages frontline health workers to come together and harness collective energy, creativity and ideas to make a change.

Co-founder of NHS Change Day and consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Leicester’s Hospitals, Damian Roland said: “It was a simple conversation on Twitter that sparked the idea and two years later, it’s really taken off as a national campaign that a lot of NHS organisations now back.”

Last year, NHS staff were asked make pledges for things they will change. This year, staff have been asked to share best practice and talk about change they’ve started, their action.

To celebrate and showcase staff action, Leicester’s Hospitals communications and Listening into Action teams are hosting a Change Day Action Event from 11am – 3pm in the LEat Street Restaurant, Level 0, Balmoral, Leicester Royal Infirmary, on Wednesday 11 March.

Staff, visitors and patients are invited to attend throughout the day to learn more about schemes such as Everybody Counts, Listening into Action, Hello My Name Is, Dementia Pathways, Sepsis Care as well as initiatives to improve patient experience and streamline hospital systems.

One of those initiatives is a pilot to ensure Emergency Department staff can make mistakes without harming patients.

Damian explains: “All healthcare professionals have extensive training prior to starting their jobs. However, learning is a life-long process and as well as gaining knowledge and learning facts, they must also learn how to communicate and work with each especially in stressful situations.”

The Emergency Department at Leicester Royal Infirmary has been using high-fidelity simulation mannequins that can breathe, talk and have blood taken from them, to improve team working and management of the sickest patients.

Damian added: “The advantage of the mannequins is that they can’t be harmed so learning occurs without any detriment to the patient!”

To showcase this action, the simulation team will be running a demonstration at the Change Day Action Event as part of the East Midlands Emergency Medicine Educational Media (EM) so anyone can come along to see how doctors and nurses train and learn.

To watch a video of Damian Roland explaining the history of NHS Change Day, please visit http://vimeo.com/119557740

Further information about the Change Day Action Event can be found at http://www.leicestershospitals.nhs.uk/aboutus/our-news/nhschangeday/

I think I have some idea. Medical education? But if you can clarify please do so in the comments section!