National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. #DSAM2014 Please share the brilliant calendar from the National Down Syndrome Society!

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2014 Schedule of Events

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2014 Schedule of Events

Normally when I write blog post telling my readers about different awareness month my heart drops when I see the kinds of support materials produced.

So it gives me great pleasure to showcase a great (and simple) social media campaign from National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS).

Just a calendar of the huge number of activities that are running for National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

Can we ask you to like and share as your contribution to Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

If you can use the hashtag #DSAM2014 that would be brilliant!

Many thanks in advance!

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013 – please like and share to help us raise awareness!

“Down’s syndrome, also known as Down syndrome, is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and a characteristic range of physical features.”  Is the excellent definition provided by the UK’s National Health Service.

There is some great information for new parents on the Down’s Syndrome Association’s website.

For more information on Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013 please go to which is on the US National Down Syndrome Society’s web site.

We have produce a graphic to help raise awareness of Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013.  Please feel free to like and share.


Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013