How to de-stress and relax when trying to have a baby! Watch our video with Zita West where she gives her advice to couples

Zita West

Zita West

Trying to conceive can be a stress in itself. But it’s important for you and your partner to stay relaxed during the whole process, as a woman under great stress is less likely to conceive as easily.
The increasing pressures of everyday life can result in a woman’s body secreting excessive amounts of stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. This can interfere with the secretion of female sex hormones and cause disruption to ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
And it’s not only women that need to keep stress levels in check. Feelings of stress in men can reduce the level of male hormones, negatively affecting libido and sperm production. The pressure to have sex at the ‘right time’ is an added stress for men and in many cases can lead to ‘performance anxiety’.
People will tell you to relax and let it happen, but how can you make simple changes to your routine to de-stress? Watch our video with leading fertility and pregnancy expert Zita West who is also a practicing midwife, acupuncturist and nutritional advisor. She has teamed up with First Response to gives her top dos and don’ts to help couples relax when trying for a baby.

Watch the video here