Study shows weed makes workouts more fun, but it’s no performance enhancer.

8 in 10 cannabis users report combining marijuana with exercise, saying it boosts motivation and mood, eases pain
8 in 10 cannabis users report combining marijuana with exercise, saying it boosts motivation and mood, eases pain

A bit of weed before a workout can boost motivation and make exercise more enjoyable. But if performance is the goal, it may be best to skip that joint.

That’s the takeaway of the first ever study to examine how legal, commercially available cannabis shapes how exercise feels.

The study of 42 runners, published Dec. 26 in the journal Sports Medicine, comes almost exactly 10 years after Colorado became the first state to commence legal sales of recreational marijuana, at a time when cannabis-users increasingly report mixing it with workouts.

“The bottom-line finding is that cannabis before exercise seems to increase positive mood and enjoyment during exercise, whether you use THC or CBD. But THC products specifically may make exercise feel more effortful,” said first author Laurel Gibson, a research fellow with the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Health and Addiction: Neuroscience, Genes and Environment (CU Change).

The findings, and previous research by the team, seem to defy long-held stereotypes that associate cannabis with “couch-lock” and instead raise an intriguing question: Could the plant play a role in getting people moving?

“We have an epidemic of sedentary lifestyle in this country, and we need new tools to try to get people to move their bodies in ways that are enjoyable,” said senior author Angela Bryan, a professor of psychology and neuroscience and co-director of CU Change. “If cannabis is one of those tools, we need to explore it, keeping in mind both the harms and the benefits.”

‘A first-of-a-kind study’

In one previous survey of cannabis users, Bryan’s research group found that a whopping 80% had used before or shortly after exercise. Yet very little research has been done at the intersection of the two.

For the study, Bryan and Gibson recruited 42 Boulder-area volunteers who already run while using cannabis.

After a baseline session, in which the researchers took fitness measurements and survey data, they assigned participants to go to a dispensary and pick up either a designated flower strain that contained mostly cannabidiol (CBD) or a Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) -dominant strain.

THC and CBD are active ingredients in cannabis, with THC known to be more intoxicating.

On one follow-up visit, volunteers ran on a treadmill at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, answering questions periodically to assess how motivated they felt, how much they were enjoying themselves, how hard the workout felt, how quickly time seemed to pass and their pain levels.

On another visit, they repeated this test after using cannabis.

Federal law prohibits the possession or distribution of marijuana on college campuses, so the runners used it at home, before being picked up in a mobile laboratory, a.k.a the ‘CannaVan,’ and brought to the lab.

The runners also wore a safety belt on the treadmill.

‘Not a performance-enhancing drug’

Across the board, participants reported greater enjoyment and more intense euphoria, or ‘runner’s high,’ when exercising after using cannabis.

Surpisingly, this heightened mood was even greater in the CBD group than in the THC group, suggesting athletes may be able to get some of the benefits to mood without the impairment that can come with THC.

Participants in the THC group also reported that the same intensity of running felt significantly harder during the cannabis run than the sober run.

This may be because THC increases heart rate, Bryan said.

In a previous study conducted remotely, she and Gibson found that while runners felt more enjoyment under the influence of cannabis, they ran 31 seconds per mile slower.

“It is pretty clear from our research that cannabis is not a performance enhancing drug,” said Bryan.

Notably, numerous elite athletes—including U.S. sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson— have been prohibited from competing in recent years after testing positive for cannabis.

An NCAA committee recently recommended that it be removed from its list of banned substances.

A different kind of runner’s high

Why does cannabis make exercise feel better?

While natural, pain-killing endorphins have long been credited with the famous “runner’s high,” newer research suggests that this is a myth: Instead, naturally produced brain chemicals known as endogenous cannabinoids are likely at play, kicking in after an extended period of exercise to produce euphoria and alertness.

“The reality is, some people will never experience the runner’s high,” Gibson notes.

By consuming CBD or THC, cannabinoids which bind to the same receptors as the cannabinoids our brain makes naturally, athletes might be able to tap into that high with a shorter workout or enhance it during a long one, she said.

Athletes considering using cannabis should be aware that it can come with risks — including dizziness and loss of balance— and it’s not for everyone.

For someone gunning for a fast 5k or marathon PR, it doesn’t really make sense to use beforehand, Bryan said.

But for an ultrarunner just trying to get through the grind of a double-digit training run, it might.

As a public health researcher, Bryan is most interested in how it could potentially impact those who struggle to exercise at all, either because they can’t get motivated, it hurts, or they just don’t like it.

“Is there a world where taking a low-dose gummie before they go for that walk might help? It’s too early to make broad recommendations but it’s worth exploring,” she said.


Why do people mix weed and workouts?

When researchers asked study participants, here’s what they said:

90.5% It increases enjoyment

69% It decreases pain

59.5% It increases focus

57.1% It increases motivation

45.2% It makes time go by faster

28.6% It improves performance

Does Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis? [Sativex (nabiximols), clinical trials, my experience]

Many people report that marijuana or marijuana extracts such as Sativex (nabiximols) are effective for multiple sclerosis symptoms. This video reviews some of the clinical trials, and I share experience with my own patients.

A peptide that allows cannabis-derived drugs to relieve pain without side effects

Scientists from the Proteomics and Protein Chemistry Research Group and the Neuropharmacology-Neurophar Laboratory have developed a peptide which is an ideal candidate for reducing the cognitive side effects of pain treatment with cannabis derivatives.

Researchers Rafael Maldonado, Maria Gallo and David Andreu CREDIT UPF

An international team, led by researchers from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, David Andreu and Rafael Maldonado, has developed a peptides family that allows delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main component of Cannabis sativa, to fight pain in mice without side effects. The study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, was carried out together with researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ??the University of Barcelona, and the University of Lisbon.

At present, there are two main types of pain relievers prescribed based on the severity of the pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol) are often used to treat mild pain, while opioids are used for severe pain. These, although effective, have significant addictive potential. A therapeutic window is not covered between these extremes, as there is a lack of safe and effective drugs to treat moderate chronic or neuropathic pain (such as that caused by nerve damage for people with diabetes or herpes). In this scenario, cannabis-derived drugs have an excellent opportunity to provide relief, but their therapeutic use is limited by their side effects, including problems with memory and other cognitive functions.

THC produces analgesia by binding to cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors. However, these receptors interact with the serotonin receptor 5HT2A, and this interaction causes memory loss when THC is present. To address this problem, the interaction between the two receptors must be avoided. That is why scientists from the Proteomics and Protein Chemistry Research Group and the Neuropharmacology-Neurophar Laboratory have designed and produced peptides that interrupt the interaction between the two receptors, so the THC can ease pain without activating the serotonin receptor.

In a previous study, when researchers injected a peptide into the brains of mice, the memory problems caused by THC decreased. Based on molecular dynamics simulations and current pharmaceutical chemistry strategies, the researchers have optimized the original prototype by developing a smaller peptide with high stability, allowing oral administration while increasing its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier to access and act on brain cells.

After administering mice with the peptide orally, along with an injection of THC, they assessed pain threshold and memory capacity. Mice treated with both THC and the optimized peptide obtained the benefits of THC in relieving pain and also showed better memory compared to those treated with THC alone. “Our results suggest that the optimized peptide is an ideal candidate for reducing the cognitive side effects of pain treatment with cannabis derivatives,” says Rafael Maldonado, Professor of Pharmacology in the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) at UPF.

“Given the results obtained so far, the team is motivated to advance in the development of this promising candidate discovered,” explains David Andreu, UPF Professor of Chemistry.

“The INNOValora programme will allow us to partially cover the proof-of-concept experiment in chronic pain that we need to ensure investors’ participation in the project,” says Maria Gallo, a PhD student from the Proteomics and Protein Chemistry group at the DCEXS-UPF, whose doctoral thesis recapitulates much of the project’s experimental work.

“We envision the use of the peptide in combination with THC as the first drug approved by the EMA / FDA for the treatment of chronic pain,” concludes Rafael Maldonado.

These results have been the basis for an international patent application that is expected to be transferred to the pharmaceutical sector once the preclinical and clinical validation experiments required by drug regulations are completed.

Peptide could allow medical marijuana to relieve pain without side effects

Revolutionary mmj patch successfully treats fibromyalgia and diabetics nerve pain

Many people live with chronic pain, and in some cases, cannabis can provide relief. But the drug also can significantly impact memory and other cognitive functions. Now, researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Medicinal Chemistry have developed a peptide that, in mice, allowed Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main component of Cannabis sativa, to fight pain without the side effects.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20% of adults in the U.S. experienced chronic pain in 2019. Opioids, the mainstay for severe pain management, are effective, but patients can easily become addicted to them. In some studies, medical marijuana has been helpful in relieving pain from migraines, neuropathy, cancer and other conditions, but the side effects present hurdles for widespread therapeutic use. Previously, researchers identified two peptides that disrupt an interaction between a receptor that’s the target of THC and another receptor that binds serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates learning, memory and other cognitive functions. When the researchers injected the peptides into the brains of mice, the mice had fewer memory problems caused by THC. Now, this team, led by Rafael Maldonado, David Andreu and colleagues, wanted to improve these peptides to make them smaller, more stable, orally active and able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Based on data from molecular dynamic simulations, the researchers designed two peptides that were less than half the length of the original ones but preserved their receptor binding and other functions. They also optimized the peptide sequences for improved cell entry, stability and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Then, the researchers gave the most promising peptide to mice orally, along with a THC injection, and tested the mice’s pain threshold and memory. Mice treated with both THC and the optimized peptide reaped the pain-relieving benefits of THC and also showed improved memory compared with mice treated with THC alone. Importantly, multiple treatments with the peptide did not evoke an immune response. These findings suggest that the optimized peptide is an ideal drug candidate for reducing cognitive side effects from cannabis-based pain management, the researchers say.

The abstract that accompanies this paper can be viewed here.

Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana – Medical Marijuana Awareness

Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana - Medical Marijuana Awareness Webinar, March  3rd, 2021 - YouTube

This week, host Marc Matoza of Marijuana Med Today welcomes co-host Dr. Michelle Weiner, Integrative Pain Management Physician. The topic was Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana, and attendees participated in a live Q&A session following the presentation.