Belly Fat - and why it is causing you problems

Belly Fat – and why it is causing you problems

Fat belly has been a problem for many who do not know how to get rid of it and have a flatter stomach. Excess fat in the stomach gives us problems especially on the clothes to wear and how we look and feel. Some of us feel that having too much fat on the belly makes us unattractive. It is however even a greater risk to the health of a person. Too much or excessive fats in the belly or other body parts can be a great danger to health and fitness of an individual. It is important and critical to look into ways of dealing with the fat on the belly as this can prevent health problems and eliminate the risks of suffering some diseases.

The Dangers

Chronic conditions or diseases have been linked and associated with the fat accumulation in the belly. Diabetes is one of the serious illnesses or conditions one may suffer because of or resulting from the accumulation of fats in the belly and other parts. With the condition, sugar circulation and balancing in the body is difficult and thus becomes a problem for the individual. The occurrence of terrible diseases such as heart conditions is also a possibility. It is essential to deal with the excessive fats immediately or eliminates the fat. The best solution or remedy is however prevention. With the presence of the belly, you need to work on reduction of these fats, so they do not cause or pose obesity health risks to the system or body.

Beat the Belly

The belly has the risks to your body shape and more so to the health. It is thus essential to work hard to be able to beat the belly. Set goals to reduce the belly. You need to see a physician if necessary to know the best ways to this. Simple steps can be of help to individuals with belly fat that is disturbing. Watching the diet may be one of the important steps to start. Other simple steps should be incorporated into your schedule daily if you are serious about losing the belly fat.


Trim the belly fat by exercising. Consistency in exercise makes the effort more effective in belly beating or reduction. Workouts should aim at reducing the belly fat. You can see a specialist from for example the gym for more instructions, suggestions, and advice. Exercise or workout aimed at reducing the fat in the belly will work if consistency and doing the exercise right are there. Jogging is a good exercise that can help in beating the belly. You do not necessarily require to go or to be in a gym. You can work out in the house or the backyard of the house or home. It is advisable to use treadmill exercises as a way of reducing the belly fat. Remember to do things right and be a consistent. Exercise or work out together with a friend or a relative or family member. Moral support and encouragement are both necessary. They keep you moving. They also make the activities you do fun. Ensure the exercise take 30-40 minutes at minimum.


Get and ensure to include more fiber in the diet. The fiber makes the stomach full, and you thus can avoid overeating. It is advisable to ensure that one includes many fruits in the diet. Fruits have fewer calories as compared to other foodstuff, and they are healthy to take. They thus help in reducing the belly fat. They make your stomach fuller. It is important to carry fruits to the place of work as it ensures that if you feel hungry, you do not take any unhealthy or sugary snack. Drink lots of fluid or water. Ensure you stay away from fizzy and sugary drinks. They contribute to the fats in the belly. Eat healthy snacks and foods with fewer fats and calorie levels and this will eventually aid your efforts of belly beating.


Handling stress in right ways is essential. Some people deal with stressing issues by overeating and drinking. The two habits contribute to belly building or formation. It is essential to consult or talk with friends in case of stress or difficult situations. Relax the mind, walk around, listen to music and also ensure to get or catch enough sleep. Exercising is a better and advisable option.


When you sleep enough or for a period that ensure that you fell good and fresh the next morning, can deal with a fatty belly. The behavior or habit of having enough sleep ensures you do not have visceral fats building up in the belly. Sleep matters. Ensure to get enough of it.


Belly fat is risky. Efforts to deal or eliminate the belly are a priority for most people. Use the simple tips. Consistency helps in continual of the practices. Patience is part of the plan. Be patient to get the results. They may take time but will be soon visible.





Author bio:

Meighan Sembrano is an author She has a keen

Meighan Sembrano

Meighan Sembrano

interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyle fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

How coffee might improve sports performance. Find out more here!

Sports Performance and Coffee

Sports Performance and Coffee

From enhancing endurance to aiding quick recovery, caffeine can play a role in improving sports performance, as explained by experts in the field of sports science and nutrition during a roundtable on coffee, caffeine and sports performance held by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee.

Professor Greg Whyte OBE, a former Olympian and Professor in Applied Sport & Exercise Science at Liverpool John Moores University, UK, Dr Javier Gonzalez, a lecturer in Human and Applied Physiology at the University of Bath, UK, and Dr Sophie Killer, a performance nutritionist at British Athletics came together to present a wide variety of research which covered all aspects of coffee, caffeine and sports performance from fluid balance and intake levels, to what is currently understood about caffeine’s mechanisms.

Key highlights from the roundtable include:

• Caffeine is most effective during endurance sports (e.g. running, cycling, rowing) lasting more than five minutes
• Caffeine can improve short term high-intensity performance
• Caffeine has been shown to reduce muscle pain during endurance exercise, reduce muscle soreness after strength exercises, and assist in the recovery process
• Coffee can contribute to fluid balance and the suggestion that caffeinated beverages should be avoid prior to and during exercise is unfounded

Professor Greg Whyte commented: “Caffeine has the potential to improve sports performance across the board from marathon runners to Saturday sports teams. Both elite and recreational athletes are physiologically similar meaning relatively low doses can have an effect, including improved endurance and high-intensity performance, and muscle pain relief.”

It is widely accepted that any effect of coffee consumption on sports performance is linked to the caffeine in coffee. Although caffeine has been suggested to cause dehydration, research has concluded that moderate consumption of 3-5 cups of caffeinated coffee per day contributes to overall fluid balance and does not cause dehydration.

Research into caffeine’s mechanisms has shown that endurance performance is improved through its role as an adenosine antagonist, leading to an increased production of adrenaline, which stimulates blood flow and increases a feeling of being energised. Caffeine may also reduce the perception of pain, through a role in the central nervous system, further enhancing endurance during sporting activities.

Over 45s putting health at risk by ignoring heart health

• New research released today sees 70% of people aged 45 and over say they are not worried

Over 45s putting health at risk by ignoring heart health

Over 45s putting health at risk by ignoring heart health

about their heart health, despite the fact that over 2.3 million people are thought to be living with some form of coronary heart disease in the UK
• Almost half did not know heart disease is the biggest health-related cause of death in the UK, despite the fact that 152,436 people die of the disease every year, an average of 417 people per day
• Around one in seven in that age group admit they have never done anything to try and actively improve their heart health – however, if the two main causes of heart disease are unhealthy blood and high cholesterol a simple lifestyle change can make a big difference to help prevent such diseases and strokes occurring.

Millions of people aged 45 and over could be seriously jeopardising their health because of a lack of concern over the state of their hearts. That’s the warning coming today, after new research shows that 70% of people aged 45 – the age group most at risk – and over are not concerned about their heart health at all.

Whilst an estimated 2.3 million people in the UK are living with a condition of coronary heart disease, the research shows that the majority of the population do not regard it as being a life threatening concern. Even the over 45’s, those at the greatest risk from heart problems, are only slightly more concerned than those under 45, with only 27% in that age group, worried!

Furthermore, around one in seven 45 and overs don’t do anything to actively improve their heart health – only slightly less than 26% under 45s who admitted the same.

Across all age groups, over half (51%) were not aware that heart disease is the biggest health-related cause of death in the UK.

152,436 people have died in the UK over the last year from heart disease, an average of 417 people per day. If this rate continues over the next 20 years over 3 million people will be at risk.

The survey also questioned people as to what lifestyle changes they have made to help improve their heart health.

Less than half of all British adults say they exercise more, 39% have cut down on their intake of saturated fats, and 37% have cut down on their salt intake.

The study also showed a lack of awareness around what can lead to a heart attack, with almost a third not realising that blood clots can be a contributor.

Men’s Health Month 2015 – So what is it all about? Please share this Facebook profile cover. #menshealthmonth

Men's Health Month 2015

Men’s Health Month 2015

Since the Second World War a huge amount of attention , and rightly so, has been given to the whole area of women’s health. But much less to the area of men’s health.

So around 20 years ago June became Men’s Health Month with the objective of not just raising awareness (which is important) but also to actually improve men’s health outcomes overall.

So the messages of this year’s Men’s Health Month are really straight forward and we can strongly support them.

  • Each more fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have at least one portion with each meal.
  • Do more exercise. Try for at least 20 minutes each day.
  • Go visit your doctor for a check up.

Yea we know that  you know this.


So go and do it. And tell your buddies to do it as well.

It would be great if you could like and share the Facebook cover which has been produced by the Men’s Health Month website to help us get the message out!

Avoiding common injuries when exercising

Avoiding injury

Avoiding injury

When you are exercising, it is important to make sure that everything is done properly. Exercise can put the body under a lot of pressure and this can lead to injuries. Your muscles and joints will bear the brunt of this pressure and many people do not realize just how easy an exercise injury is to sustain. One of the problems is over-exertion – some people push themselves just that little bit harder because they think they will get good results, but the damage that this can do can far outweigh the benefits.

What are strains and sprains?

 A strain happens to the muscles when the fibers are torn or stretched. This can happen when the muscle is stretched too much or if it has had to contract far too quickly. The legs and back are the most common places for strains to happen and symptoms will include bruising, swelling, pain and spasms in the muscle.

A sprain is something that happens to the ligaments in the body. It will happen to the ligament when stretched, torn or twisted and usually occurs because there is too much pressure on a joint. Sprains often affect the ankles, knees and wrists. The sufferer will have pain, swelling, tenderness and bruising.

It is important to rest when something like this happens – most strains and sprains will heal well at home if you are careful, but if you have very intense pain or have trouble with movement then you should visit a doctor. If the rest and self-treatment does not work, it could indicate that the injury is more severe than first thought and you could have other problems, such as a fracture.

Ways to avoid injury

 The warm-up is an important part of any workout, no matter what type of exercise you want to do. Before every workout session, you should have a warm-up and build up the workout over time, rather than trying to do too much at once. The aim of the warm-up is to help the muscles to get used to stress; this gives them more chance of avoiding injury. You can also make sure that you are wearing the correct sportswear. Items such as the right running shoes, compression shorts and compression socks can all give the right support and it is worth a look at items such as shorts.

Repetition can also be a problem when exercising and while it is essential in some workouts in order to help you to get it just right and build strength, it can put the muscles under strain. Variety in workouts is a good idea and this is why runners, for example, include other types of exercise in their training, such as cycling.

Resting the muscles between workouts is another essential part of avoiding injury. It is not absolutely essential to exercise every day. Muscles do become tired and they do need to recover from the exercise. When planning your exercise regime you need to ensure that you allow enough time between workouts for the muscles to rest.

When planning your exercise regime, give plenty of attention to the way that you exercise and make sure that you are properly prepared. This will help you to avoid injury and allow you to get fitter in a much safer way.