“Health and Wellbeing in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” – please help a student at Bond University with her research.

My name is Deanne Fernandes and I am currently completing a Master of Bond University Autism ResearchClinical Psychology Dissertation at Bond University under the supervision of Dr. Richard Hicks. I am conducting a research investigation into the effects of parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I am specifically interested in the role of social support, parenting self-efficacy, and child interventions and education services in improving the psychological health and wellbeing of parents of children with Autism.

As part of this study, I invite you to complete a brief online survey that will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. I am seeking parents of children with at least one child aged 4-12 years, with a diagnosis of ASD. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time without risking any negative consequences. If you choose to withdraw your participation in this study, the information you have provided will be immediately destroyed. You will not be required to provide your name, and all information collected in the study will be done so in a manner that ensures that your identity remains anonymous. Additionally, all the data collected in this study will not be made accessible to any person outside of the student researcher and supervisor working on this project. Data will be stored in a secured location at Bond University for a period of five years in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee.

It is anticipated that the data collected during this study will assist us in understanding what factors are most important for improving outcomes for parents that have children with Autism. Improved wellbeing of parents is linked to better care and therapeutic outcomes for children with ASD. Therefore, your participation in this study will enhance work towards incorporating these key components of positive parenting outcomes into treatment and intervention plans for families with children with ASD.

Click here to take the survey https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=166676

We thank you for taking the time to assist us with this research.