Medical tourism! Would you consider travelling abroad for medical treatment? Take our poll

Medical tourism

Medical tourism

Serious question!

Over the course of the last few years the numbers of people travelling abroad for medical treatment has great at a great rate.

Indeed a recent figure suggested that in the Uk it could be around 50,000.  Although by definition we cannot be certain of such a figure.

The kind of treatments seem to be very varied from people with multiple sclerosis having full scale CCSVI surgery, through In vitro fertilisation (IVF) for women who wish to become pregnant, to simple dental operations taken while on a normal holiday.

How about would you consider what is referred to as medical tourism?

Please take our poll below to share your opinion.

If you have been overseas for treatment why not tell us a bit more in the comments box below?

Many thanks in advance!

CCSVI – Would you consider or have had angioplasty/a stent to treat the symptoms of your multiple sclerosis?

The issue of CCSVI (Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency) and multiple sclerosis was three

Menopause- the change of life

or four years ago one of the biggest topics in the MS  community.

At the time is was massively controversial subject with strong view on both sides.

However in recent years it seems to have gone of the radar a bit.  So we felt it might be useful to revisit the subject now some of the passions seem to have died down.

We would like to run a short poll with our readers to discover both their experiences and view on “Liberation Therapy” and Paolo Zamboni‘s interesting ideas.

Please do take our poll below.

Also it would be great if you could use the comments box to share your stories about the intervention and how effective it was for you.

For those unfamiliar with the topic the Wikipedia article is a good place to start –