Road Safety Considerations for Drivers with a Disability

There are more than a million motorists with a disability in the UK, according to the SCOPE. Living with a disability can significantly affect your life on things that most individuals take for granted. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot or will not have the right to drive. Advancements in technology have created opportunities for disabled people to drive cars safely. 

Before you can start driving with a disability, there are essential facts you must know, including your rights and responsibilities as a blue badge holder. Understanding your obligations and rights helps you meet all the road safety and legal requirements set by transport authorities. 

Meeting The Health Requirements

If you’re planning to continue driving after an accident or illness that has left you disabled, informing the DVLA of your medical condition is essential. A medical consultant from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) will then evaluate your situation and decide if you qualify for a new or short-term license or a modified car. Those with a severe physical impairment, the agency may revoke your application. If you already have a driving permit, you need to update the licensing agency of medical conditions like epilepsy, diabetes, or glaucoma diagnosed after your license was issued. Failure to report any condition that affects your ability to drive can lead to legal implications. 

Vehicles For Drivers With A Disability

The type of cars that disabled drivers can operate depends on the restriction codes on their licenses. For instance, if during the driving test, you used an automatic vehicle and passed, then that’s what you’ll be using. Likewise, you’ll be required to drive a modified car if you pass the test for writers with modifications. With this in mind, there is a likelihood you need to purchase an automobile designed for driving with a physical disability.

Although the market offers a wide variety of automatic and modified automobiles, it can be challenging to choose the best. Because of this, you must read car reviews from verified vehicle owners and reputable dealerships. Learning about different automobiles in the market helps you know which one has better performance ratings, safety features, adaptive equipment, and technology to enhance your comfort and safety on the road. 

Modifying Vehicle To Fit Your Needs 

Modifying your car for disabled driving enhances safety, mobility, accessibility, and comfort. You can achieve the best results by installing several motoring accessories for drivers with upper or lower body impairment, or both. These items include steering wheel knobs that allow you to turn the wheel with ease and greater control, rotating seats, wheelchair hoists, hand controls for operating the brake and accelerator, adapted mirrors, and safety belts.  

Driving safely following an accident that left you with a disability is possible. You only need to follow the rules implemented for disabled drivers. Also, make use of an automobile with the right modifications and apply for the Blue Badge permit. With this permit, you can park your car near your destination, making accessibility easy. However, you must follow the rules set for Blue Badge holders to stay safe and legal on the road.