Autism and Food. I have a 5 year old autistic son that hates food. After 6 months of feeding therapy we finally made some progress and we want to share that with you.
Autism and Food. I have a 5 year old autistic son that hates food. After 6 months of feeding therapy we finally made some progress and we want to share that with you.
Many children with autism and developmental disabilities struggle with restrictive eating and food refusal. The usual feeding strategies are not always effective, leaving parents frustrated and unsure of how to proceed. The Pediatric Feeding Program at Seattle Children’s Autism Center will review best practices in addressing feeding goals in this population of children. The team includes a nurse practitioner, registered dietitian, occupational therapist, child psychologist and board-certified behavior analyst. This team will provide a presentation that will include information about factors that contribute to feeding difficulties, best practices in assessment and various treatment approaches for addressing increased acceptance in children, and troubleshooting specific feeding problems, such as fears, and refusal. We will also have two parents speak on their experience in helping their child with specific feeding challenges broaden their diets with our team.