How Regular Exercise Helps Lose Weight

Regular activity is very vital for good health and is especially much important if one is trying to cut off excess weight or to maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight levels. More body activities are needed when one intents to loose weight. The reason behind this is that physical activities increase the amount of calories your body uses for energy. The burning of calories through physical activities together with reduced amounts of calories intake creates caloric deficit that results in weight loss.

Accelerates Burning of Calories

Fitness and Weight Loss

Fitness and Weight Loss

According to latest weight loss news & tips most of the weight loss occurs due to reduced caloric intake. However, evidence shows that the only way to lose drastically is to get engaged in regular physical activities. Regular physical activities can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular and diabetes apart from weight loss. Physical activities also help reduce high blood pressure, minimizes chances of contacting type 2 diabetes, heart attack and several forms of cancer. They also reduce the risk of arthritis, pain and associated disability, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and also minimize symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Weight loss activity has for a long time been confused with a pack of myths that have no scientific proofs behind them. However, there a few tips that are mainly based from scientific findings by some of the world’s most qualified scientists and have been rated with positive implications towards weight loss approaches. This is a high time to dawn light broadly to everyone that regular exercises works out perfectly with the combination of the following latest weight loss tips. Here are some of the latest lifestyle news and tips for weight loss that are worth trying:

  1. Drink much water prior to mealtime

This is an open truth and for real drinking water before meals works out perfect to enhance weight loss. One boosts metabolism by 24 to 30% over a period of 1 to 1.5hours by drinking water. This helps in burning excess calories. Drinking water about half an hour before meals helps dieters eat fewer calories and loose approximately 44% more weight.

  1. Consume protein-rich breakfast

Apart from nutritional benefits that one gets by eating eggs, it also helps him/her lose weight. Numerous studies have found that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs help you eat fewer calories for the next few hours. You will also feel satisfied for the better part of the day before main meals. Won’t this prevent you from reaching out to unhealthy snacks? This helps one lose more weight and body fat. If at all you can’t eat eggs at all, any source of quality protein for breakfast can tickle out the trick.

  1. Make black coffee your favorite beverage

Coffee has been unfairly demonized over years and for real quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants that that contains lots of health benefits. Research shows caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 4-10% and thus increase fat burning up from 15-30%. However, it is recommendable to avoid using too much sugar because it is rich in calories which can completely negate all the benefits you may expect from the coffee. In addition, taking green tea also works out in a similar way as coffee since it contains some fractions of caffeine that works in synergistic ways to enhance the burning of excess fats. It can be taken either as a beverage or green tea extract supplement.

  1. Use coconut oil in all your meals

Coconut oil is very healthy and its high in special fats called medium chain triglycerides which are metabolized differently than other fats. One should replace his/her current cooking oil with coconut oil and this will boost metabolism by 120 calories per day, reduce appetite to the extent that you start eating 25% fewer calories per day.

  1. Take supplements

In reference to online publications of the latest lifestyle news and tips, supplementing has always been an option for those who can’t have access to balanced diets that are rich in minerals and essential nutrients. There are many supplements that are rich in fiber, which helps to absorb water and sits in the gut for long hours, making you feel fuller and helping you eat fewer calories.

Additional Tips

In addition to the above factors, one should also cut on added sugar, eat less refined carbs by switching to a low carb diet, exercise portion control or count calories, keep health food around in case he/she gets hungry and above all, use smaller plates that makes you get used to eating small amounts of food.  This will ensure that you are burning more calories than you eat.


Excess weight comes about as a result of poor eating habits that result in excess calories. No one enjoys it when he/she is reading overweight. This makes him or her uncomfortable and this limits the social life that one lives. Therefore, for comfort, regular exercises and better eating habits help one to live a healthy and happy life.


Osteoporosis – Top 5 High Impact Exercises For Stronger Bones

Statistics has it that people above the age of 50 are nearly 50% more likely to develop an osteoporosis-related fracture, particularly in the spine, hip and wrist. One of the most effective ways to strengthen your bones is through engaging in regular exercises. You can start exercising today irrespective of your age or gender to prevent osteoporosis.  According to Nicole Dorsey, an exercise physiologist, your bones become more fragile as you age, and thus you should learn how to exercise safely. Since Osteoporosis makes your bones weaker, you are at an increased risk of fractures if you don’t exercise with care.


Here are top 5 high-impact exercises to strengthen your bones:


  1. Superman Exercise
Top 5 High Impact Exercises For Stronger Bones

Top 5 High Impact Exercises For Stronger Bones

Superman exercise involves Pilates-based moves that are specifically designed to stretch and strengthen muscles along your spine. They are great moves to stabilize your entire core and the back.

  • Lie face down on a mat and place your forehead lightly on a towel
  • Keeping your thighs together, extend your legs straight behind you while squeezing your      inner thigh muscles
  • Reach your hands overhead such that the pinkies are touching the floor with your palms facing each other.
  • Gently lift your right arm forward and off from the floor about 2 inches and hold this position for about 5 seconds before lowering and repeating with the other arm.
  1. Lifting Weights

Numerous researchers indicate that you can increase your bone mass, especially on your spine, through strength training workouts. About a 2009 research from Canada’s McMaster University, performing weight training exercises for one year can increase spinal bone mass by 9% in postmenopausal women. However, it should be done with a lot of care to prevent bone joint pain, especially in the arms, hips and back.

  •     Select a convenient weight and perform 8-12 slow and steady repetition in a row and stop.


  •     Take 30 to 60 seconds rests between sets. Beginners should perform a set thrice every week, and gradually work up over a couple of months.


  1. Standing Hip Abduction

This happens to be one of the most effective exercises that is also gentle for patients receiving psoriatic arthritis treatment. It involves standing leg lifts that strengthens the muscles around the hip while lubricating hip joints that are vulnerable to fractures in osteoporosis patients.

  • Place a firm, high-backed chair or bench about a foot from your left side
  • Hold the top of the bench with your left hand while standing with feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and belly tightly firm
  • Gently lift your right leg out to the side about 6 inches off the floor while keeping it straight.
  • Point your toe slightly and hold this position for 3 seconds before slowly lowering your foot to the ground.
  • Make 8-12 repetitions and switch to your left foot.


  1. Band Step-outs


Resistance band set-outs help to improve flexibility while strengthening muscles. They are ideal for preventing bone joint pain in patients suffering from osteoporosis as they don’t strain your joints.

  • Using a resistance band that sits loosely around your mid-thighs, place your arms alongside your body or on your hips
  • Bend you’re both knees while contracting your abdominals and gently lower your hips into a half-squat. Ensuring your belly muscles are firm, slightly contract your buttocks muscles.
  • Using your right foot, take a giant, slow step out to the right side
  • Stay in half-squat position for a while before stepping the left foot together with your right foot. Step out again slowly with your right leg and go on with the step-outs to the right side eight times.


  1. Standing Hip Extension


This is another great exercise for your hips. It involves moves that strengthen lower-body muscles that go a long way in making daily activities easier, such are rising from a chair or getting out of your car.

  • Stand about 2 feet in front of a firm bench of the high-backed chair. Place your hands slightly on the top of the bench for support
  • From your waist, lean slightly forward to shift your weight on your left hand
  • Slowly extend your right leg backward to bring it just beneath your hip height
  • Hold this position for 3 seconds ensuring you keep your belly muscles contracted.
  • Gently lower your right leg to the floor using controlled movements and repeat 8-12 times. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then switch to the left leg


There are plenty of high impact exercises that can strengthen your bones and keep fractures at bay. They should be performed with care if you are prone to conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. It is important to contact your doctor before taking up and exercise routine, especially if you are at an advanced age. Exercise regularly for the sake of your overall wellbeing!


Author Bio

Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumer Health Information. She has a keen interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has  done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, health, beauty, world news and lifestyles fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Early warning signs of arthritis

With arthritis being one of the big themes of this blog we thought it would be useful to share this great infographic looking at the early signs and symptoms of arthritis.

You might be interested in our earlier blog on the subject and the ensuing discussion we can be accessed here.

Early Warning Signs of Arthritis

From Visually.

Infographic: Understanding Arthritis – Types and Remedies

Infographic: Understanding Arthritis – Types and Remedies

Arthritis is often perceived as a condition that is exclusive to elderly people. However, it is also frighteningly common among children and young adults, and the average age for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers is 35. It is one of the most common forms of disability around the world and, at present, it has no known cure.

This infographic by Home Care Plus outlines some of the most common types of arthritis, detailing symptoms and causes. It also offers a list of remedies that can be put into action in order to ease the considerable pain that arthritis can cause. It makes for invaluable reading for arthritis sufferers especially, and also for people caring for those who have been affected by the condition.


Understand- Arthritis-Types-and-Remedies-Infographic

Understand- Arthritis-Types-and-Remedies-Infographic

How the brain responds to pain – check out this fascinating infographic

Over the years we have covered a lot of different aspects of pain and pain management. In particular for our readers with arthritis, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

So to supplement this we have shared this rather interesting infographic which looks at how our brains to pain. So we hope you find it enlightening. If you do please consider sharing this page with friends and family.

Click to Launch the infographic How the Brain Responds to Pain from