Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness Day June 6th 2014 – please help as I’m on the hunt for more information.



As I mentioned in a post I made yesterday one of the objectives (or missions as they say in management consultancies) is to help raise the profile of different medical conditions. We do this through informational blogs such as this one on rheumatoid arthritis and help promote different Awareness Days/Months/Years/Nanoseconds run by various support groups such as World MS Day.

This means I have information coming into me on sort of “speed dial” about loads of different stuff. So as you can imagine I was very interested to discover that tomorrow is Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness Day according to the Awareness Days web site. But if you go to the site you will there that their is precious little information available on the page. So I thought I’d put myself in the hands of the mighty Google. All I could come up with was this for Just Giving page. This page it seems is owned by an outfit called the The Pituitary Foundation. A great looking site, no doubt, but I could find nowt about Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness Day. Which is odd as it is tomorrow.

Now I happen to know somebody with the related condition Addison’s Disease so I know how important such says are to adrenal insufficiency community. Which is why I’m blogging this. I’d like to know more and help promote the day. But I can’t because I can’t find anything remotely useful online apart from one page. Does anyone know anything? At all!

If you do please can you put more information and links in the comments box below to I can runa post later today or tomorrow on the subject.

Many thanks in advance.