What are the signs of anxiety in children? Very common in children with autism or ADHD.

What are the signs of anxiety in children?

What are the signs of anxiety in children?

What are the signs of anxiety in children?

Anxiety can make a child feel scared, panicky, embarrassed or ashamed.

Some of the signs to look out for in your child are:

finding it hard to concentrate

not sleeping, or waking in the night with bad dreams

not eating properly

quickly getting angry or irritable, and being out of control during outbursts

constantly worrying or having negative thoughts

feeling tense and fidgety, or using the toilet often

always crying

being clingy all the time (when other children are ok)

complaining of tummy aches and feeling unwell

Your child may not be old enough to recognise why they’re feeling this way.

The reason for the anxiety (if there is one) will differ depending on the age of the child. Separation anxiety is common in younger children, whereas older children and teenagers tend to worry more about school performance, relationships or health.

What types of anxiety do children and teenagers experience?

Common types of anxiety in children and teenagers are described below.

A fear or phobia about something specific

Children are commonly afraid of things like monsters, dogs or water. This is a perfectly normal part of growing up, but has the potential to become a phobia (a type of anxiety disorder) when the fear becomes overwhelming and affects your child’s day-to-day life.

Read about phobias.

Feeling anxious for most of the time for no apparent reason

While it’s normal for children to frequently have fears and worries, some anxious children may grow up to develop a long-term condition called generalised anxiety disorder when they become a teenager or young adult.

Generalised anxiety disorder causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than one specific event.

People affected by it feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed.

Read more about generalised anxiety disorder.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety means a child worrying about not being with their parent or regular carer.

It is common in young children, and normally develops at about six months of age. It can make settling into nursery or school or with a child minder very difficult.

Separation anxiety in older children may be a sign that they’re feeling insecure about something – they could be reacting to changes at home, for example.

Social anxiety

Social anxiety is not wanting to go out in public, see friends or take part in activities.

Social ‘shyness’ is perfectly normal for some children and teenagers, but it becomes a problem – ‘social anxiety disorder’ – when everyday activities like shopping or speaking on the phone cause intense, overwhelming fear. Children affected by it tend to fear doing or saying something they think will be humiliating.

Social anxiety disorder tends to affect older children who have gone through puberty.

Read more about social anxiety disorder.

School-based anxiety

Some children become anxious about going to school, schoolwork, friendships or bullying, especially if they’re changing school or moving up a level.

They may not always share these worries with you, and instead complain of tummy aches or feeling sick. One of the signs is crying or seeming tired in the morning.

This may be a problem that needs tackling if it is significantly affecting their daily life (see below).

Less common anxiety disorders

Post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder are other anxiety disorders that can occasionally affect children, but are usually seen in adults.

It’s rare for children to have panic attacks.

When is anxiety a disorder that needs treating?

It is probably time to get professional help for your child’s anxiety if:

you feel it is not getting better or is getting worse, and efforts to tackle it yourself have not worked

you think it’s slowing down their development or having a significant effect on their schooling or relationships

it happens very frequently

How serious can it be?

Long-term anxiety can severely interfere with a child’s personal development, family life and schooling.

Anxiety disorders that start in childhood often persist into the teenage years and early adulthood. Teenagers with an anxiety disorder are more likely to develop clinical depressionmisuse drugs and feel suicidal.

This is why you should get help as soon as you realise it’s a problem.

Where should I go for help?

Seeing your GP

You can talk to your GP on your own or with your child, or your child might be able to have an appointment without you. The doctor should listen to your concerns and offer some advice about what to do next.

Your child may be referred to the local child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS), where the workers are trained to help young people with a wide range of problems. Professionals who work in CAMHS services include psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. They should offer help and support to parents and carers as well as the child. Learn more about CAMHS.

Youth counselling services

If your child doesn’t want to see a doctor, they may be able to get help from a local youth counselling service.

Youth counselling services are specially set up for young people to talk about what’s worrying them, and get advice.

For more information, visit Youth Access, the largest provider of young people’s advice and counselling services in the UK.

Telephone or online help

Telephone helplines or online services can be helpful for children and young people, who may feel it’s easier to talk to someone who doesn’t know them. See Where can I go for further information and support?

How can an anxiety disorder be treated?

The type of treatment offered will depend on what is causing your child’s anxiety.


It can be helpful for your child to talk in confidence about what is worrying them to a trained person, especially as it’s someone they don’t know.

If your child is being seen at CAMHS, they might see a child and adolescent psychotherapist or a clinical psychologist. If they are at a youth counselling service, it will be a trained youth counsellor or psychotherapist.

These sessions can help them work out what is making them anxious and how they can work through the situation.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help your child manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave.

It has been proven to help with anxiety that isn’t severe, and is commonly offered to young people who are anxious.

Your child will work with the therapist to find ways to change the way they think and find strategies for coping in situations that make them anxious. They’ll usually have 9-20 sessions.

It’s not clear whether CBT is effective for children younger than six years of age.

Learn more about CBT.


If your child’s anxiety problem has not got better, your doctor may talk to you about trying medication.

A type of antidepressant, called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), may help your child feel calmer and differently about things.

Antidepressants usually take around two to four weeks to work properly, so you or your child may not notice the difference immediately.

It’s natural to be concerned about side effects. Your child should be aware of any possible adverse effects and should tell you or their doctor if they happen. Read more about SSRIs.

What can I do to help my child?

If a child is experiencing anxiety, there is plenty parents and carers can do to help. First, it’s important to talk to your child about their anxiety or worries. Read our advice on How to help your anxious child.

Why are some children affected and others not?

Genes and personality

Some children are simply born more nervous and anxious and less able to cope with stress than other children.

A child’s anxious personality may be partly determined by the genes they’ve inherited from their parents. Parents of anxious children may recognise the signs and remember feeling and behaving the same when they were younger.

Stressful environment

Children can pick up anxious behaviour from being around anxious people. If you’re worried that your child might be influenced by our own behaviour, you might want to listen to these podcasts offering advice about anxiety and worry and explaining how you can take control of your anxiety.

Some children can also develop anxiety after a series of stressful events. They may be able to cope with one of these events, but several difficult events together may be too much for them to cope with. Examples are:

Frequently moving house and school – it can be hard to settle when you’re always expecting change

Divorce or separation of parents, especially when there are new step parents and siblings (although many children will adapt to this and settle in time)

Parents fighting or arguing

Death of a close relative or friend

Becoming seriously ill or injured in an accident

Having someone in the family who is ill or disabled

School-related issues such as homework or exams, or bullying or friendship problems

Becoming involved in crime

Being abused or neglected

Medical conditions

Children with certain conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autistic spectrum disorders may experience anxiety as part of the symptoms of their condition, because of differences in the way their brain functions.

How common are anxiety disorders in children?

Nearly 300,000 young people in Britain have an anxiety disorder.

In the UK, anxiety disorders are estimated to affect 5-19% of all children and adolescents, and about 2-5% of children younger than 12.

Separation anxiety is the most common anxiety disorder in children younger than 12.

Where can I go for further information and support?

Anxiety UK

Young Minds

Royal College of Psychiatrists: mental health and growing up


Great Natural Supplements for ADHD and Anxiety

Great Natural Supplements for ADHD and Anxiety

There does seem to be a lot of stuff about diet and mood. Check out our previous blog on the subject here.

Check out the infographic below for some great tips

Great Natural Supplements for ADHD and Anxiety

From Visually.

The Relationship Between ADHD and Autism

The Relationship Between ADHD and Autism

The Relationship Between ADHD and Autism

Did you know recent changes to the DSM-5 now state that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Autism can occur at the same time?

To find out a bit more about DSM-5 please do check out this blog post!

So this video is well worth look for both the adhd and autism communities. And. of course, those like me, who are members of both.

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S, and teens get in car accidents four times more often than all other age groups combined. For teens with ADHD, the risk is even greater.

ADHD amplifies the traits that make young people such high-risk drivers. Impulsivity, distractibility, high energy, and poor emotional control increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents and infractions. In fact, teens with ADHD are more likely to:

Get in car accidents.

Receive speeding tickets.

Have more than three citations on their record.

Have their license suspended or revoked.

Drive without a license.

Why do teens with ADHD have more troubled driving careers than their peers? An attention deficit makes teens less likely to have safe driving habits like coming to a full stop at stop signs, adhering to the speed limit, and signaling before turns. Furthermore, in a driving simulator they showed poorer motor control and erratic steering.

Teens with ADHD also tend to be less knowledgeable about driving laws than their peers, while simultaneously overestimating their competency. This means that teens with ADHD may be overly confident behind the wheel and fail to compensate for their condition.

However, this doesn’t mean that every teen with an attention disorder ought to be banned from driving. It’s by all means possible for teens with ADHD or ADD to become safe drivers. It just might take them longer or require more intensive practice.

It’s recommended that parents delay handing over the keys to teens with ADHD. Waiting until they’re older lets teens get a better grasp on managing their attention deficit. However, hoping teens will grow out of their ADHD isn’t the correct approach. Two thirds of children with ADHD exhibit symptoms into adulthood, so it’s important that parents talk to their teen’s doctor about medication and work with their child to develop good driving habits.

Parents should spend extra time practicing driving with ADHD-affected children. If parents don’t have the time to commit to regular sessions, enrollment in a driving school can help teens get the practice they need. However, since a driving instructor won’t know the particulars of a teen’s ADHD challenges, parents should still assess their child’s driving competency before pursuing licensure.

Even after attention-deficit teens get their driver’s license, a parent’s work isn’t over. It’s important to continually monitor a teen’s driving to make sure they’re modeling safe habits. Parents should consider gradually adding driving privileges as their teen demonstrates responsibility. An example plan might look like:

Months zero through six: Driving permitted to and from school only, with no passengers at any time.

Months six through 12: Driving permitted for school and other daytime activities. No driving at night and no passengers.

Months 12 through 18: Driving permitted for school, daytime activities, and evening activities with express permission. Limit of one passenger at a time during daylight, and zero passengers at night.

Months 18 through 24: Driving permitted any time with a limit of one passenger.

If a teen receives a moving or non-moving violation at any point, the clock resets on their current stage. A graduated plan like this one lets parents incentivize teens to be responsible drivers. It also lets teens master the basics of driving before adding potential distractions.

Beyond setting rules, parents should check in periodically to make sure their teen is retaining what they’ve been taught and not succumbing to distractions behind the wheel. Letting teens do the driving when going out as a family allows parents to check up on their teen’s skills. Teaching car maintenance is an effective way to demonstrate the value of a vehicle. A daily driving log that tracks where they went, how long it took, and what challenges were faced can help create structure and promote focus behind the wheel. Check out this article for ideas on teaching kids the basics of car maintenance.

There’s no reason that a teen with ADHD can’t become a model driver, but it’s important to be aware of the challenges of driving with an attention deficit. With a plan, plenty of patience, and ongoing monitoring, parents can help their ADHD-affected teen stay safe behind the wheel.