These signs of Aspergers Syndrome will help you identify autism in someone FAST

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1. Stimming.
This is a self stimulatory behaviour behaviour that is presented like patterns of flapping hands, rocking back and forth.

2. Strict Routine.
People with Aspergers syndrome, stick to a very rigid daily routine, and they love to stick to routines.

3. Repetitive Eating (small food selection).
Eating the same foods day in day out is a very common sign of Aspergers. Having a very small selection of foods that they enjoy is very common.

4. Echolalia.
Repeating words from overs, or from TV or from movies is a form of what is called echolalia.

5. Issues With Socialising.
Socialising is very difficult for people with Aspergers as the unspoken rules of social communication.

6. Sensory Sensitivity.
Hyper or Hypo sensitivity to sensory input is a huge sign of Aspergers syndrome.

7. Not Getting Jokes.
Taking things literally is a massive sign of Aspergers this makes it difficult for a person with Aspergers or autism to identify when someone is telling a joke or being sarcastic.