Sciatica! What are the signs, symptoms, causes and treatments of Sciatica?

Sciatica patient

Sciatica patient

Welcome to the latest of our informational blog posts about common medical conditions.  Today we turn our attention to Sciatica.

Sciatica can be defined as pain which is cause by damage or irritation of the sciatic nerves.  For an overarching look at nerve pain please have a look at our previous blog on neuropathic pain here It is a useful resource as we have had over 100 people sharing their experiences so you can learn a lot.

The sciatic nerve is the longest in our body.  Starting at the pelvis and ending in both feet.

When the nerves are irritated typically the pain “radiates” from the back down the legs.  Pain levels will vary from mild to severe.  In some cases sciatica will clear up after a few days of its own accord but others may have a chronic (or long term) condition.  It is worth noting that sciatic pain does not often affect much of the back making it different from back pain.  You can find out more about the specifics of back pain here

Sciatica can be caused by a number of things:-

a)  Slipped disc.  Also known as a herniated disc.  This occurs when a spinal disc cracks and the gel inside breaks through and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.

b) Spinal stenosis.  This is the narrowing of the spinal nerve passages.  The nerves can be squashed by the bones or ligaments causing the sciatica.  Normally in older people.

c)    Tumours on the spine

d)  Infections

e)  Cauda equina syndrome.  This is very rare but occurs when there is pressure on the nerves at the end of the spinal column.

Treatments of sciatica depend on whether it is chronic or not.  If it is just short term then over the counter painkillers can be used alongside hot or cold packs.  Exercise is also recommended.  You may be interested in the following article about people who suffer from pain and need some new techniques for keeping fit.

For those with a longer term version of the condition a structured course with a physiotherapist is suggested.  In a very few cases surgery may be required.

Over to you.  What was your experience of sciatica?  Please feel free to share your story in the comments box below.  In particular we are interested to know what sort of treatments you received and how effective they were!

We really look forward to reading your stories.

Thanks very much in advance.


3 thoughts on “Sciatica! What are the signs, symptoms, causes and treatments of Sciatica?

  1. I am 35 and I already had a severe form of sciatica neuritis. Thank god, I cured it completely! 

    As a busy person, I had no time to hire professional therapist, get massages, accupuncture or do yoga lessons. I remember my pain as a worst nightmare… I can’t even fall asleep back then… So, I did a research hoping to find a way that could help me to cure my sciatica condition and I found one!

    It’s a book which was written by a former sciatica sufferer who cured his sciatica in only one week. Cool isn’t it?. So I gave it a try. I followed everything carefully and now I’m proud to say that I’m FREE from Sciatica!

    Ohh! I forgot to mention that the treatment lasted for me only 5 days. I think you can’t believe right now and probably think that I’m talking bull**** here. Well, I was sceptical too, but now I can definitely say that purchasing that book was the best decision that I’ve done in my life. I left a link below so can read a review of that book and find out what’s all about:

    I hope this will help someone as much as it did for me! Have a great day!

  2. I have RA and now have had sciatica since October but all I have been given is painkillers.I have constant pain everyday. I can’t sit for long and if i stand after a while I will get pain in my lower back.My pain effects mainly the back of my leg/thighs and my buttocks area.I first thought it waas something to do with my RA but it just does not go away and I have not been offered any physio just pain killers.Everyday all my life id about is lying down on the sofa as this is the only time it eases slightly but not fully.What sort of life am I expected from this.I was on ESA due to my RA but I never passed my latest medical.How am I expected to work with constant pain but I have no choice and finding a job really is not easy,who is going to want to employ me when I’m ill all the time either with My RA or my Sciatica.I have had enough of this pain and it will never go away and will not likely to either.

  3. I have sufferedl with. Sciatica on and off since 2010. Mine has gotten so bad that it had effected my bladder control. I suffered for a long time before i went to the dr. My advice is don’t wait as long as i did. I found that anti inflammatory meds and stretching exercises help me the most.

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