Molluscum Contagiosum – Can you give my daughter some advice please? Thanks in advance

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum – the name makes my blood run cold.

God knows why. Maybe some deeply repressed memory of trying to learn Latin grammar as a spotty teenager.

Anyhow Molluscum Contagiosum came into my life a few days ago when my daughter was diagnosed with it. It turns out that it is “wart bumps” caused by a virus. And usually passes in around 12-18 months.

You can see a picture of it above.

While it is not serious it is not great for a 12 year old.

Does anyone have any advice for me as to how I can help her out.

Please feel free to share here if you have any ideas.  Check out other tips below!

Thanks in advance.


27 thoughts on “Molluscum Contagiosum – Can you give my daughter some advice please? Thanks in advance

  1. Cantharadine or beetle juice. My twins contracted it from swimming lessons. Wet towels on floor or deck of high school pool. Our pediatrician used it, the bumps dried up, and we’re gone in about a week! No joke! This was in 2005.

  2. Join me celebrate for these great and perfect day which my lord god has
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  3. My son started with molluscum after contact with hiscousin (who had it and we didn’t know until it was too
    late). At first it was mild and then what seemed like
    overnight, it started to spread and the spots became
    larger and more painful. I was desperate to find
    something to help. We were told to let them run their
    course, but that wasn’t going to work for me. I
    researched and tried several home remedies to no avail. a friend introduce me to this doctor called Dr jatto,  he gave me herbal medicine for my son right now as I am shearing these testimony my son is perfectly okay. you can also reach him or whatsapp +2348145243120
    he told me he can cure all types of sickness  like.
    HIVplantar wartcandida
    low sperm count
    zika virus
    penis enlargement
    and many more……

  4. My son started with molluscum after contact with hiscousin (who had it and we didn’t know until it was too
    late). At first it was mild and then what seemed like
    overnight, it started to spread and the spots became
    larger and more painful. I was desperate to find
    something to help. We were told to let them run their
    course, but that wasn’t going to work for me. I
    researched and tried several home remedies to no avail. a friend introduce me to this doctor called Dr jatto,  he gave me herbal medicine for my son right now as I am shearing these testimony my son is perfectly okay. you can also reach him or whatsapp +2348145243120 
    he told me he can cure all types of sickness  like.
    HIV low sperm count
    zika virus
    penis enlargement
    and many more……

  5. Hi.. this is a very persistant, annoying & contagious skin auto immune response after exposure to a bacteria that is found in spa’s and the grout lines of tiles in most usually, public pools and changerooms.
    Note; keep bathroom towels, soaps etc away from other family members, visitors etc. Separate hand towel and super dilligent on hand hygenie is must! Cover open leisons too core is the root of the problem!!!
    Unfortunately the duration of the complaint is often 12 mth or more, and can spread if tops are scratched off to leave a core, much like a deeply rooted splinter, exposed.
    My son had the unpleasant experience of MC some 10yrs ago. I am unsure if any real developments have enscewed since that provide a quick recovery. The fact your seeking help makes me think that is still the sorry case.
    The upside is we found, our child experienced no discomforting symptoms other than, heartbreakingly, terrible embarresment. A complication was that MC being potientally contagious if open. As a precautikn to spreading on himself an others, long sleeves/pants were always worn always out and as much as possible at home without making him feel like a lepper.
    Little was available to help progression or healing other than a system of exposing cores and individual leisions with an instrument that delivered a minute transfer of pure silver. Many Americans swore by it but it was not available in Australia.
    As the spots grew expedentially and after trialing many creams and crackpot ideas ( as the local medical professions course of action was to ‘wait it out’ was unsatisfactory in our opinion) we, one by one, nicked the top and removed the core.
    Now…. this is not pleasant at all. Obviously scary for your child more than uncomfortable as keeping still at 5 is a major challange and the removal feels weird for them. It is also very difficult to do as parent… i felt awful at the beginning. But in a week, having performed this ritual a number of times daily everyone was coping and, with pleasing results. After 8 mths of MC becoming more and more agressive, it finally was under control. Within just over a month all were gone. We did keep a daily skin check as priority and had a few pop up in the 6mths after. Treatinv them the same way. Infact our child zelf checked and would come to me and ask me to get rid of them.
    MC is a hard one to deal with. I am no doctor or expert to offer advice other than to say my experience.

  6. I am a Rodan + Fields consultant and my son has ASD. We used the RF micro derm abrasion paste and soothe 2 sensitive skin cream on him every night. Paste before shower and cream after and it works wonderfully. He now insists on “skin care” before shower!! It is his new routine…love my ASD kiddo:) He is a true believer saying it disappears those weird bumps like magic!!

  7. LEMON MYRTLE! I ordered if from an Australian based website. The Lemon Myrtle tri consists of essential oil, balm, and body wash. My son was covered in Molluscum and within a week they were gone! Amazing product!

  8. My son had it at 12. Everyday I had to change his sheets I had to wash his clothes he could not use a towel more than once. The doctor gave me some type of medicine , I wish I knew the name of it, and everyday I put it on a q-tip and dotted each and everyone. They also told me that I could use a wart remover , put it on a q-tip and dot Each and everyone every day. I also changed his clothes 2xday. It went away after about 1 week.

  9. We tried a product called Molluscum RX. It worked wonders for us and left no marks and did not hurt at all! It is an organic product and comes from plants. It was not very expensive either.

  10. The little girl I used to babysit had these. We tried everything and then happened upon a product called MolluscumRx. It is sold online and is organic and very safe. Her bumps went away within a week! You can find it at

  11. My daughter had them and nothing worked for her except a product from the Forever living aloe vera range! X

  12. My children had this about 20 years ago didnt have creams for it bk then, its VERY contagious which is probably why all 3 of my children cought it. The person must have their own flannel and towel amd washed every time used also if they have a bath it must be scrubbed out afterwards, my 4 yr old grandson has cought this about 5 days ago x

  13. My son had it.. We went homeopathic way. Tea tree oil bath air dry 10 min.. This part is gonna sound weird but then we sliced up a potato and put the slices on the bigger ones with a bandaid.. It pulls the hard white part up to surface. Then tea tree oil bath again. It took about 2 to 3 weeks but it cured it. He had it about 1 year followin what dr says..

  14. My kid had that when he was young. I don’t remember them being filed with pus but either way the doctor told us he would out grow it. He did and now there are little circle scars on his stomach.

  15. Whatever you do, try not to let her scratch the bumps! I had it, probably about 10 years or so ago, silly me scratched them and now I’ve been left with permanent scars that look like little holes in my skin. Nothing major I know, but they can be quite visible and frustrating when you realise that the only reason you have them is because you scratched that itch!

  16. Before bed.
    Put a damp compress or band aid depending of size, of Organic RAW Apple Cider Vinegar.  
    It could sting the first time but it will be gone in 3 days.

    It’s like witchy magic!

  17. I had it and tried a bunch of things! Zymaderm didn’t work, Emuaid did nothing, cantherodine just blistered them and irritated my skin like crazy. I was finally recommended a product by the dermatologist called Poxiderm and it cleared up all 75+ bumps in 2 weeks. I got it online from Skincare BioPharma and I think they sell it on Amazon as well. Give it a try and if it doesn’t work they have a no questions asked refund policy. Best of luck getting rid of it!

  18. My son had it 2 years ago. The dermatologist put on some typical cream and injected yeast around some of the bigger places and covered them. They were gone completely in no time at all. introducing the yeast was suppose to trick his body into attacking it.

  19. Hi. When my boy got this horrid virus, our dr put me onto “ZymaDerm”. Its from USA. Info on back says CBR, Inc. Brooklyn, NY. 1-800-694-6855.
    Good luck.

  20. My children were diagnosed with this when they were in preschool. We were recommended to a dermatologist who prescribed a tropical medication to remove them. After a fewweeks he them had me put a numbing cream on them, cover it with plastic wrap, and then they were removed in his office surgically. This prevented them to spread. At the time it was the only procedure I knew of, considering their pediatrician thought it was chicken pox at first. The removal process was very painful and was hard for me to watch as a parent, but they were removed and gone.

  21. My son has autism as well n is coverd in them he also gets pocked on for them they don’t look nice at all my son was given antibiotics wich helped a lot but gets more as one gos another one a pears once they have pooed n heald they leave a scar when he is cold tge scars or black/purple when he worms up they turn red pink they’re nit good should be more help

  22. It’s not as easy as they say. My 6 yr old as had it so bad for over 2 years. If picked and then touch another part of body then spreads my sons pickled in them. He gets bullied in school for it…. It’s horrible. Only thing we’ve really found helped and was told once picked or opened cleanse with warm water then put savalon and a plaster over it. My son started with around 6 now has about 40 amd he’s tiny. With his autism and ADHD he picks in anger and frustration it’s a vicious circle x

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