Molluscum Contagiosum – How To Get Rid Of Molluscum Contagiosum at Home

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Molluscum contagiosum is an infectious disease caused by a DNA poxvirus called molluscum contagiosum virus. Most commonly children and sexually active adults or other individual having a low immune system tend to affect by this disease. Use following effective home remedies for molluscum contagiosum to get rid of your problem at home.

1. Baking Soda.

Exfoliate damaged and dead cells can accelerate your treatment process of healing lesions as well. For this, a simple mixture can be useful – make a paste by mixing a half cup of baking soda with water. Use just before shower; rub this paste and rinse it off with water. Use this until bump disappears.

2. Tea Tree Oil.

Tea tree oil is one of the common and available home remedies for molluscum contagiosum. It contains useful properties like antibacterial and antiseptic which is very essential to cure molluscum. It has powerful astringent that can help to reduce the growth of lesions. You can use tea tree oil directly to the infected area or use it with bath water.

3. Duct Tape.

This one is very commonly used home remedy for treating warts and skin bumps. You can apply a small piece of duck tape on the skin bumped area for overnight and remove in the morning. Use it daily until the bumps are gone. It helps to remove the dead skin from warts and protects the virus infection.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar is very well known for natural bacteria fighting ingredient. It is also one of the useful home remedies for molluscum contagaiosum. Dip a cotton ball in ACV and apply directly on top of the bump and the bandage over to it. This is useful for the baby and suggested to apply before bedtime.

5. Garlic.

Use some garlic paste on the infected area and put a bandage to cover it. Remove bandage before bath and wash it carefully. You can also take garlic capsule or organic one as well.

6. Sea Salt Scrub.

Mix olive oil and honey with sea salt and massage it into lesions 2-3 minutes before taking shower. Wash off with clean water and dry your skin. Use often during treating following same instructions.