Love Your Heart, Stay Healthy – Why you need to be vigilant to prevent heart disease!

Heart disease accounts for 1 in 3 deaths and claims 17.7 million lives every year. This infographic from Study Medicine Europe takes you through how your heart works and what you can do to protect it. The heart when working efficiently is like a well-oiled machine and shuttles 2,000 gallons of oxygen rich blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Protecting yourself from heart disease starts at a young age but you of course will need to be more careful as you age.

One thing to remember is that if you’re accustomed to physical activity at a young age it’s generally easier to keep it up for your entire life. As you get older, the risks only increase, and it is good to learn about heart disease in your family as early as your 30s. The reality is that heart disease can be genetic so if it’s in your family you need to be more vigilant. Find out more in the infographic.

Love Your Heart, Stay Healthy

Love Your Heart, Stay Healthy

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