Life with Fibromyalgia. Tips for living with Fibro from People with Fibro!

Fibromyalgia Awareness

Fibromyalgia Awareness

A few months ago we ran a very successful discussion on our Facebook Page, called FibromyalgiaTalk, entitled “What advice would you give to a person who had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”. We then covered some of the responses in a blog post which you can read here.

The responses were amazing both in terms of quantity and quality so we decided it would be useful to run a similar discussion asking for tips you might have about living with fibromyalgia.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to the 250 people (so far) who have replied since we started the conversation on Monday. So we would love to share with you a few of the tips . It would be great if you would care to share any of your own in the comments box and the end of this blog post.

“Find a doctor who knows and treats fibromyalgia. Get lots of sleep. Ignore everyone else’s expectations of you and slow down on life. Rest, drink lots of water and TRY to stretch daily. Your friends and family will all give you ideas on what you should do to feel better–it might get annoying—just smile and know they are just trying to help! Hope this helps!!” was great advice from Jennifer!

Brittany was simple but to the point ” Reduce stress as much as possible, take hot baths and time for yourself”

Wendy was very sensible “I had to learn to forgive myself for not being “me” any more, most days I manage it! My usual advice still stands, be kind to yourself, learn how to pace and use the NO word when you need to x”. Another talked about pacing “When your having an almost pain free day and feel good , don’t push yourself because you will pay for it a few days later , sometimes with days of pain …”

One reader shared this great idea for a birthday present “Ask for gift vouchers for therapeutic massage for birthdays and Christmas it hurts a bit at first but you feel so good afterwards. Best present ever x”

Tricia was very practical “Natural Vitamin D3, make sure it’s D3, about 30-50,000 iu a week will make a tremendous difference. Most fibro sufferers are unable to absorb normally and are deficient. Magnesium is good. Take fish oil to go with the D3 and take K2. They enhance each other. Also, heat helps. Hot baths, and extra blanket, and warm sweater. Massages and chiropractic care are definitely a help. Yoga and exercise on your good days. Lastly, rest and reduce stress because these are our biggest triggers along with the weather. Rain is evil. Lol! Take care of yourself.”

And Shell talked about “Do your own research. Believe in yourself & write all of your issues down.”

Which, of course, is one of the aims of this post. So as we said earlier what should be added to this list of tips?

Please use the comments section below to share yours.

12 thoughts on “Life with Fibromyalgia. Tips for living with Fibro from People with Fibro!

  1. Very curious about these products, Plexus Slim, Probio 5 and Plexus Biocleanse..   If they are so good, then why aren’t the ‘guru’s’ on to it…….Researching the properties of the products and nutting out the ‘How’ to for Fibro sufferers..  Doctors would then be prescribing such stuff wouldn’t they..    BUT till there is actual ‘Proven, Scientifically research, documented and Papers written on the benefits of these products for Fibro sufferers, it’s all pye/pie in the sky sky….  But good on those who are getting some good results.  Maybe it’s up to those folk to be stepping up to the Medical Health boards and ‘shouting the positives’…. getting the research started!

  2. I am a new warrior I was in a car accident 7 years ago never damage neck back and left shoulder arm. 6 years into a New Dr said I have Fibro now learning to no what pain is what pain is hard. Yes I hate Rain I feel sore all over and tired No energy on these days, What advice can I get thanks Nad!!

  3. I am 28 years old and was diagnosed with Fibro at 25… But had it for about 10 years now…. I have learned that some days are good and some days are bad and I have limits even on a good day. I can’t push myself to hard otherwise I’ll regret it by getting a flare. I have to take care of myself and my body. Things I love to use that helps epsom salt baths… Essential oils… Massage. Rest. Drinking water. Thanks Jess Sargent

  4. Hi! Massage & I have a very long history. I get one every week & have for well over 10 years now. It has been pivotal in my body healing & functioning better. On the weeks you don’t have a massage, Epsom salt baths & using magnesium oil topically may help. She also sprays mag oil on my back during massage… very helpful. Exercise & eating whole foods is also essential. I avoid foods that promote inflammation. This is also beneficial to massage. Visualization during the massage has also helped me greatly. I hope there are some tips here you can use. If massage helps you, stick with it because it’s an important part of wellness.

  5. I had a massage just over a week ago, it hurt like hell while I was having it but I did feel looser after. The lady doing it found all my muscles in my shoulders had bunched up with so much tension she couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. She has recommended a back massage every 2 weeks. I am not sure what to do as that night I woke up in agony! My hips felt like they were going to explode. I went back to sleep during the day for a few hours and that did seem to help. I am ok now, well apart from the usual. But has anyone else any massage experience to share and would you agree with every 2 weeks?

  6. JENRUS peacesweetpeace BernadetteLeRoy On every product there is a list of the proprietary blend ingredients.  I research every one of them.  They include the list of proprietary ingredients on their website as well.

  7. peacesweetpeace BernadetteLeRoy contains a “proprietary blend”… that means the company is not totally disclosing what is actually in the product. Consuming whole, nutrient dense foods is what naturopathic doctors recommend to maintain health.

  8. BernadetteLeRoy Sorry you feel that way!  I could care less if you bought from me!  I should have said for you guys to find someone you know who sells Plexus and buy from them.  Why?  Because it works!  I have experienced more pain in my life than you can possibly imagine.  Have had steroid shots and been given so many meds that ended up putting me in a state of depression because of it.  Had one doctor call me at home to tell me I had Lupus!  My blood test always came back showing I had inflammation in my body, but they really never knew which autoimmune disease it was.  Well after being on Plexus and having my ANA Titer checked again, it came back negative for the first time in 17 years.  Don’t hurt and don’t have to have steroid shots anymore.  No more sinus infections every other month and no more yeast infections either.  I’m tired of big Pharma making tons of money off of all of us and not one of us bats an eye!  Don’t buy from me, but I would tell you to find someome to buy from and at least try it.  It has helped me and so many of friends and my family!  So yes I will post it wherever I can.  The great thing about Plexus, is that big Pharma is not making money off of what works for me, but I am!

  9. Tips for living with fibromyalgia? You live. You change the things you have to change. Everyone has to change to live… fibro or no fibro… it’s how we grow. You keep growing. Personally, I distance myself from it as much as possible. For example, I don’t claim it as “mine.” It is a name given to a collection of symptoms to describe how my body responds to its environment. It is not who I am. I am a mom, a wife, a strong woman. I emphasize what I want instead of what I don’t want, and because I want health (without disease) I do not say “my” fibro. That has been very beneficial.

  10. Oh for God’s sake why is there always someone trying to make money off of our pain. (See below). Anyway, thanks for the real and free tips (above).

  11. I had fibromyalgia for over 20 years. Tried steroid shots, medications, etc.. Nothing helped. Since taking Plexus Slim, Probio 5 and Plexus Biocleanse I don’t have that fibro pain anymore. Living Fibro Free these days. Plexus was a blessing!!

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