Job Searching on the Autism Spectrum | Tony Attwood and Zach Zaborny | EPIC Assist


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In this video Tony and Zach share their knowledge about the skills you’ll need for a job interview. They discuss important aspects of personal presentation, responding appropriately to open-ended questions, planning your journey to the interview location, and most importantly, practicing the interview scenario. Tony also shares insights about interpreting body language and language cues to help you make a positive impression.

EPIC Assist has joined forces with Asperger’s Syndrome expert Professor Tony Attwood to develop a three-part series about employment on the Autism Spectrum. The video series also features EPIC’s own Zach Zaborny, who brings his lived experience of Asperger’s Syndrome to the discussion. The videos are beneficial not only for those on the Autism Spectrum, but also people wishing to increase their awareness and confidence around disability.

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