Is enough being done to support adults with autism in your country?

Adults with Autism

Adults and 1 in 68 will be autistic

Last week we fan a short poll on our Twitter feed asking people in the autism community “Is enough being done to support adults with autism in your country? ”

Pretty overwhelming results no?

So we thought we would like to drill down a bit more. It would be great if you spend a couple of minutes of your valuable to share your thoughts in a bit more detail.

It would be great if you could answer the following questions in the comments section below. Obviously these are just a guideline so please tell us anything you think would be of interest to our readers!

So here we go?

a) In which country or state are you based?
b) What support is on offer for adults in the autism community in your state of country?
c) How would you like to see this provision improved?
d) What should the long terms goals of autism be in your country?

Many thanks in advance!


Please could you send your answers to


yvobu a) Germany
b) self-help groups, behaviour therapy
c) best would be individual support to get and stay employed, hard to realise though, an alternative would be to make approval of severe handicap pass much easier, to get at least a disadvantage compensation
d) acknowledgement of our psychological strain, it’s frustrating beyond measure

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Aryageddon USA.
Fiscal support in certain situations, “accommodation” in the work place, Support lines, research foundations, etc.
I would like to see more acceptance of the condition, more resources, better understanding for employers, more information to utilize during employment.
Research and Understanding, Proper accommodation, better overall support.

2 thoughts on “Is enough being done to support adults with autism in your country?

  1. a) Germany
    b) self-help groups, behaviour therapy
    c) best would be individual support to get and stay employed, hard to realise though, an alternative would be to make approval of severe handicap pass much easier, to get at least a disadvantage compensation
    d) acknowledgement of our psychological strain, it’s frustrating beyond measure

  2. USA.
    Fiscal support in certain situations, “accommodation” in the work place, Support lines, research foundations, etc.
    I would like to see more acceptance of the condition, more resources, better understanding for employers, more information to utilize during employment.
    Research and Understanding, Proper accommodation, better overall support.

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