Ion8 Leak Proof Water Bottle – This may prove useful for lots of people on the autism spectrum!

“What on earth is he talking about?” says any person with common sense. “How on earth can a water bottle be useful for people with autism?”

Well you would be right of course except for one thing.  As regular readers will know our son is on the autism spectrum.  One of the common features of autism is poor fine and gross motor skills.  Our son John  has always had problems with both.

This is where the Ion8 Leak Proof Water Bottle comes in.  It is, as the name suggests, water proof which for most people is not a problem but Joh n does have issues screwing on (and talking off) lids and caps.  He also has to take a water bottle to school with him.  This means that until the Ion8 came along he would often return home with a slightly soggy back pack.

But no longer!

The Ion8 does what it says on the tin.  So far it has proven itself completely leak proof, John finds it easy to open and close has said that he much prefers it to the other water bottles he has had to use. (You can see from the picture below how easy it is to keep securely fastened).

The rest of the stuff?

Ticks all the boxes for me.  It’s the right size for carrying around a day’s water requirements. (You can use it on your bike if you want).  It looks stylish (I’ll be honest that doesn’t bother our son) and it has a nifty strap to make it easy to carry round.

Not at all expensive so if you are planning to upgrade your water bottle you could do worse than to pick up an Ion8.  You can pick one up by dropping round here.