How the Italians Drink Lots of Coffee and Stay Healthy

If you’ve ever wondered why the Italian cuisine is one of the healthiest in the world, you might be surprised that one important drink is an important part of it. And that drink is – coffee.

 Italians have developed quite a peculiar set of habits and customs of how they prepare and consume coffee. It is evident in their unspoken rules of how they drink it, and in their understanding the health benefits of this popular drink.

 For example, did you know that espresso, the most popular coffee in Italy, can help you lose weight? It contains just 3 calories/ounce (assuming you don’t add any sugar), and can satisfy your cravings without the risk of adding weight.

 In addition, a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found that caffeine can reduce your perception of the intensity of your workouts, helping you go for that extra round of exercise.

 That’s why one of the unspoken rules is that Italians drink espresso even up to 7 times a day, instead of one large cup of coffee with sugar and cream (yes, up to 7 espressos per day 🙂 ).

 This is just one of the rules that Med Cruise Guide put together into this helpful infographic that shows how Italians combine the health benefits and the joys of drinking coffee (see below).

 In it you’ll see that Italians also don’t drink cappuccino, the famous coffee with milk, after 11am because they believe that milk slows down digestion.

 Explore all the 10 rules of drinking coffee in Italy, and don’t forget to enjoy a healthy cup of espresso!

10 Italian Coffee Drinking Rules Infographic

10 Italian Coffee Drinking Rules Infographic




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