Hope For Autistic Families Like Mine – a guest blog from Dr Terry V. Eagan where he introduces us to a new type of autism therapy!

Autism Spectrum Condition

Autism Spectrum Condition

Families raising an Autism Spectrum Disorder child encounter numerous stressors
impacting not only their ASD child, but also the entire family unit. Many of these
stresses are determined from the ASD child’s unpredictable course of brain
development and the difficulty in finding meaningful brain development programs
that help a child’s brain to truly mature. Equally important, many of these stresses
are known to affect a family’s resilient nature, further complicating the problem by
draining valuable emotional resources. So how does the family remain strong and

Recently, many members of multiple Autism list serves across the country
participated in a survey to find out how resilient families cope. More importantly, a
question was posed as to what gave resilient families hope. Two leading problems
were discovered from the survey: 1- many families needed brain development
programs that went beyond behavior modification and allowed their child’s brain
to mature; 2- they needed ways to replenish their own natural resiliency, through
working with friends, support groups or therapists who understood the nature of
their child’s unpredictable development.

One of the leading indicators of a resilient family was whether they discovered
adequate resources and programs that focused on helping their child’s brain
mature. Finding a true brain development program that is tailored for the ASD
population and accommodates the family remains one of the greatest challenges
facing communities and their ASD families. Many programs provide necessary
and needed support in helping families with behavioral issues, but few focus on
identifying the underlying causes that affect an ASD child’s brain development and
subsequent maturation.

One answer/solution that my sister found for her ASD child that helped both
her child and herself was found through an organization known as Best Brain
Solutions (www.smartbrainsolutions.com). The program starts with an evaluation
and assessment of brain function, cognition, maturity and development using
neuro-imaging techniques. Based on the results and findings of that evaluation
an individualized program is developed and implemented for each child’s specific

As a physician, a psychiatrist, but most importantly as a family member of a child
with ASD, I know first-hand the difficulty family and friends can experience as they
search for answers and solutions. I looked everywhere for these solutions and had
every resource available to me. When I found Best Brain Solutions, I was thrilled to
hear what they were able to offer patients with ASD. I helped my sister enter her
son into the program, and was amazed at the progress he was able to make. This
young man who had spent months on end in psychiatric facilities, on numerous
medications, and having received services in any capacity I could find was finally
able to participate in his own treatment in a way I never would have believed
possible. He took to the technology straight away, and enjoyed his treatment
unlike any treatment he had ever had before. The results far exceeded my hopes
and expectations, and I whole-heartedly recommend Best Brain Solutions without
reservations. I hope that you will reach out to them to see what may be possible for
your loved one as well.

Terry V. Eagan, MD



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