A letter to teachers from “Every special needs child they will ever teach”.

Letter to autism teachers

Letter to autism teachers

We have been given permission to share a letter written by Mrs Hazel Greene on behalf of all special needs children to their teachers.  She says “we have two children on the autism spectrum. Our youngest is 10. Lately, I have gotten the feeling that his teacher just doesn’t like him. I wrote this letter to teachers everywhere…from…every special needs kid you will ever teach. Please feel free to share.”

You can find our more about Mrs Greene and her organisation Hope Springs Advocates by going to their web site http://hopespringsadvocate.com/

She writes:

“Dear Teacher,

I just wanted you to know;

I have special needs; there are things I do not understand. I look to you to help me figure out your world. I wish you would try to figure out my world too.

Today, when I was making that sound with my feet, I was reacting to sights and smells, lights, and noises all going on around me. Things you may never notice, but are very troublesome to me. After time, they make me feel anxious and nervous. I try to follow your rules of being still and quiet, but sometimes everything overwhelms me, and I am afraid I can’t hold it in. And then I am afraid you will be angry with me if I don’t, and that makes everything much worse.

At night when I go to sleep, my mind replays the things I have heard throughout my day; why can’t you be quiet, just get in line, keep your hands to yourself, leave that alone, what’s wrong with you? Then I wonder what IS wrong with me? Why can’t my teacher love me the way I am… like she does the normal kids? Why can’t I be normal? Does that mean I can only be loved if I am normal?

I wish you could see how hard it is for me to be who you want me to be. And when I get it right, even just once…I would be the happiest kid alive if you could celebrate that time with me. You see, I want to be just the kid you want me to be, honest! I want to be the one you smile at when I walk in the door. It is so very hard for me. Sometimes, I think I should just give up.

You don’t know this, but you will in one way or another be a part of my life for the rest of my life. Could you please think for a minute…do you want to be a positive experience that equips me for success? Or do you want to be the one that brings the sadness to my eyes whenever someone talks of school, and learning? You hold within your hands the power to bless my world or curse it. You tell me to make good choices. It’s your turn now. Will you choose wisely?

Yours truly,

Every special needs child you will ever teach”

Written by Mrs. Hazel Greene
Hope Springs Advocates

You can download the original flyer here  Hope springs advocates

12 thoughts on “A letter to teachers from “Every special needs child they will ever teach”.

  1. I too am sharing this with my sons school,see he is nine and has autism who fights a battle everyday with his teachers,thank you for sharing this

  2. The letter is so true!! I’m the team leader for supporting a young man with Autism and I work in partnership with his family – especially his mum! I’ve tried to approach things differently and make the support we give very service user centered! Taking on board what his mum tells us! Trying to understanding his behaviors, without them clouding out him as a person. I’ve had to fight with his mum to humanize him in draft reports from his psychologist and occupational therapist – the looks and question I get from other professionals has surprised me! I don’t think they are used to someone siding with a mum with a child with Autism. They can’t believe we have an open door policy of letting mum visit her son anytime she wants or that I allow my staff to hug him if he requests it! Its made me a little isolated with other professionals, but that helps me put myself in his shoes and understand why his mum is so protective of him. She’s had to fight for everything for him all his life – and he’s now nearly 19. It’s amazing to watch a mothers love for her child. I’m just glad I can help in a small way – at the end of the day I can go home after a shift. His mum is never of duty!! I have to say that I have to take my hat of to all you mums and dads out there with children with Autism – you do an amazing job and do your kids proud!! As for the teachers – I think its about time you earned that apple…………………………………………………………………………………

  3. As the single mom of an autistic 5yr old who leas than an hour just went thru a bad meltdown (my son self harms ) i am crying right now thank for putting into words what so many feel

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am going to use it because the teachers at my sons school are acting in a way that makes me think they lost all knowledge of teaching autistic children during their summer break.
    Peggy Hood

  5. I have a son with autism and a daughter with Asperger’s.  I feel they have become successful because of the positive input their teachers have shown them.  They have overcome so many of the obstacles on the spectrum due to being matched up with the right influences.  I feel for those who have special needs who don’t have that kind of role model to guide them.  I am also an aide in the special needs program at school.  I try to love and nuture these children, because they may not at home.  Be a blessing to these children!  God made them special!

  6. Maybe the teacher was the young girl with autism and now she is a teacher that gives me confidence in my child as he has aspects and aspirations of being a teacher he also has asd asperjers syndrome .

  7. Wow this was what everyone needs to read! I loved this and it made me cry. I have a younger brother with autism and I am currently teaching in an Autistic Support classroom! My dream is to be an Autistic support teacher. I think it would be helpful if teachers keep this handy on their desk! I know I will and look back at it when I feel the need to:)) great letter!

  8. I love this..made me cry! I also have two autistic children. Ppl dont understand that everyday for our family is different! Imagine if you couldnt talk or express your feelings!! I tell alot of ppl to please read up on Autism to fully understand the characteristics of the children/adults who have to live with being different and misunderstood!

  9. from the way i read this its very hard my girlfriend have a kid whit autism and he is amazing lovely helpfull 
    but this letter her i knocks me down when i read that 
    and for that teacher if he is able to read that handle kids whit respect even if they need special need ore have autism they diserve respect 
    ore else search another job they should let you no longer work on a school like that

    • I like the way thus was written from the child’s point if thought. I was hoping to teach spc.needs kids at the middle school level, before my vision started to go bad.
      What these teacher do is wonderful and not easy, They need all the help they can andd I am thankful for what they do.

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