Four Steps to Fight Fibromyalgia Naturally

4 Steps to Fight Fibromyalgia Naturally - YouTube

Natural ways to reduce and repair Fibromyalgia are through your diet and supplementation.

Diet: 1. Bone Broth (liquid or powder form)

2. Collagen helps to strengthen cell structure

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids such as wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef, flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts

4. Warm nourishing vegetables

5. Fruits such as berries


1. Magnesium (chelate capsule or magnesium oil to rub into skin) A suggested dosage is 300-500 mg/day or 30 sprays of oil. You can also add 1 cup of epsom salt with lavender essential oil to a bath.

2. Vitamin D3 – Helps to support the immune system and hormones – 5,000 IU daily

3. Vitamin B complex Other Natural Remedies:

1. Essential Oils such as Ylang Ylang, lavender, or chamomile

2. Prolotherapy – A procedure to speed healing through an injection of glucose or plasma

3. Acupuncture or certain chiropractic care can help with posture and relieve muscle pressure