Fibromyalgia. At what age did your first symptoms of Fibro appear? Please take our poll and share your story!

Age and Fibromyagia

Age and Fibromyalgia

Welcome to the first in series of blog posts and polls looking in some detail at fibromyalgia and the relationship between age and diagnosis.

We would like to start of with a short poll which ask the question “At what age did your first symptoms of Fibromyalgia appear?”.

Once you have taken the poll it would be great if you could share more information about those symptoms in the comments section below.

Please remember that it would also be great to hear from caregivers and loved one of people with fibromyalgia!

11 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia. At what age did your first symptoms of Fibro appear? Please take our poll and share your story!

  1. I guess I started with the Fibro around the same time I developed ovarian and uterine masses. Around 38ish. Anemic. Horrendous pain. Had hysterectomy and one ovary removed for 5 grapefruit masses. It was back and leg pain. But even before surgery started getting the flu every 6 weeks or so anc was unable to do anything. Got diagnosed 2008. I’m 50. Was an RN. Single Mom. Everthing. Now I feel like I’m in agony all the time. My liver, pancreas, and brain have lesions. My skin is crap. My B12, D3 are in the toilet if I don’t take. I live on tylenol. Owe specialists $deductibles so they refuse to see or write. I think my scariest memoriesofthe were feeling faint a lot, not being able to work as fast. Not able to concentrate on paperwork and being so frustrated. Crying in agony on the drive home. Feeling like a fool and scared. Too tired to eat at 10pm after 12 + hrs. I miss life. I miss living. I miss my daughter who got tired of me and my mom went with her. I miss my precious grandson. Adls have become a mountain. I Hate this disease. The panic attacks and depression and fears are overwhelming. God bless you all.

  2. I’m sorry. I had “bad nerves” and depression as a child since I can remember.. Traumas. I was active and wonder woman until I couldn’t keep up with being an RN on the floor. I’d cry on the way home until I finally went to my primary dr. I had flu symptoms that put me in bed for 3 days with fever every 3 to 6 weeks besides. She knew right away. I never felt so alone. I haven’t found my routine yet. But $ is an issue always. I’m glad you are getting some relief.

  3. I hear you. I guess I cancelled too many plans. My Daughter decided not to be in my life after living here 5 years with her husband and my Grandson. I’ve never been so heartbroken which doesn’t help. Bless you

  4. I’m 50. I couldn’t work 2008. I have been getting increasingly worse myself. No help. So I’ve been on SSDI since 2009. Lost all my family and my life

  5. I think my first fibro symptom was breathing problems at about 10 years old. My doctor didn’t know what to diagnose it as but gave me an albuterol inhaler. It’s a tightness in the muscles in my throat which spasm and close up, stopping me from being able to breath. Triggered by exercise and allergies. Then I began having a heart issue which caused a weird thumping, as if I’d just been hit in the chest and gotten the wind knocked outta me. Only happened every couple months but is now more frequent (I’m 23.) Then at 14 I started having pains in my right ankle which would lock my leg and make me collapse. It turned out to be a very quickly spreading malignant lesion on my bone. I had to have a mosaicplasty surgery at 15 to prevent the spread or I would have needed an amputation within a few months. I also developed severe depression and anxiety in high school, suffered migranes, and stomach problems with puking/Diarrhea anxietyssociated with stress and sensitivities to various foods (such as one random morning feeling like fruit parfait might make me sick, then eating it anyways and getting sick.) My full blown symptoms didn’t start occurring until after the birth of my daughter at 20.

  6. Pain that I have that moved around frequently and was never relieved by massage tens units or other pain relieving aids. Began in small ofback at 45 and increased ,then shoulders and neck for no reason muscles around back and sides right below bra line. Joints everywhere but I have osteoarthritis too.muscles are sore to the touch. All the common fibro spots I have among others as well. Im 53 now and it effects my ability to get comfortable. The fibro fog has been bad the last 2 years and the chronic fatigue has been interfering the last 18 months. Muscle weakness and exhaustion with little effort really effecting adl’s.
    I applied for disability through a lawyer for the first time as I cant stand or walk more than 5 minutes and it hurts unbearably if I push it.

  7. First memories for me were being in pain, constant stomach aches and my mom saying,”you are always belly aching about something hurting. I always went a mile a minute. never slowed down,til bedtime. I loved running,and playing from daylight,to dark. but then at dark was when I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I remember hot water bottles and my mom and dad rubbing something on my whole body for pain. (They took turns rubbing my arms, back and legs every night)Don’t know what it,was but,it was stinky!! And I must have taken a million aspirin,,got,where I loved the taste of them. Of course that was before ibuprofen and ,tylenol. And I almost forgot about the Pepto Bismol,,I still want to throw up just thinking about it ! I have learned to just take life a few hours at a time. Because that is how often this life can change for us… I still fl÷ guilty when my mom says when are you coming home to see me,,it’s 8 hrs to where she lives, and I seldom can feel good especially traveling for 8 hours. I still feel guilty every time my daughter calls and wants me to go somewhere with her..PLANS??? What”s plans? Something to be broken if you are sick all the time. But don’t misunderstand, I am a very happy FUNNY person as a rule. I lobe with @l my being

  8. Mine first started around 12. The pain wasn’t too bad but I did start noticing I felt stiff very often and almost always had aching when it was going to rain. My father had died, I had always been under high levels of emotional and mental stress because of my mother. I also hurt my low back on the right side at this age. All I had done was bend over to put my sandal back on and I felt a huge amount of pain that almost made me pass out. Ever since I have struggles with my right SI joint. I think some tissue may have torn due to the presence of a lot more space between my sacrum and ileum at the joint versus my left which feels normal. As the years went by, my achiness gradually increased even though I was healthy overall, I took a PE class every semester throughout high school, I was in JROTC, I ate well. My sleep wasn’t always the best though. I had a lot of responsibilities since I was 12 when my dad died. When I had my son at age 20, it was after childbirth my my symptoms escalated to a much higher degree. Most of my pain involves my entire back, my neck, and the backs of the legs. If I get hit somehow or pressure points are targeted, I am very tender throughout my whole body. I have a lot of muscle tension that tends to give me tension headaches to migraines. I presently do yoga, get acupuncture treatments, get massage therapy treatments, Reiki, watch what I eat (i.e. avoid processed foods as much as possible), try to get good sleep every night, and I take Vit D due to low levels. The combination of all of that has helped me significantly. But when there are high stress situations in my life, it’s very difficult to get the pain and tension to decrease. I’ve already tried a variety of prescription medications that have not helped which is why I do what I have listed above.

  9. I have so much pain around my back, hips, legs and feet.  I can sleep for days on end and on my bad days it is a massive struggle to even get out of bed.

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