Female Autistic Traits I DON’T Have

Female Autistic Traits I DON'T Have | AUTISM IN GIRLS - YouTube

The point of this video is to show you that all autistic people are different, and just because you don’t have all of my traits doesn’t mean you’re NOT autistic. Of course, the flip side is true, too. Just because you have some of my traits doesn’t mean you for sure are autistic either.

If you have any questions to ask my mom about raising me while (unknowingly) autistic, please leave them down below or email me at olivia@autisticallyme.com! I’m also going to start coaching and online courses to take to help you live your best life while autistic!

—–10 Autism Traits I DON’T Have—

1. I can understand sarcasm

2. I don’t stim very much

3. I wasn’t bullied in school

4. I don’t have a monotone voice

5. I don’t have a lack of imagination

6. I don’t need a strict routine

7. I don’t organize things repeatedly

8. I don’t have bad fine motor skills

9. I’m not obsessed with numbers/math/science

10. I’m not bad at socializing