Easy-To-Follow Weight-Loss Guidelines for Men

Easy-To-Follow Weight-Loss Guidelines for Men

Easy-To-Follow Weight-Loss Guidelines for Menwe


It is estimated that in the UK, 1 in every 4 adults are obese with research suggesting that the ratio is likely to increase over time. Tackling obesity is a key government priority as losing weight can not only improve people’s lives but have a positive impact on the economy as well. Men are more likely to be obese than women in the UK (66% of men as opposed to 58% of women). Men also more reluctant to join weight-loss programmes and have a lower chance of reaching a healthy body weight by themselves than obese women.

The consumer market offers countless weight-loss aids that can significantly help lose weight and if coupled with a healthy lifestyle, the results can be astonishing. Due to men being less likely to embark on a weight-loss journey it is all the more important to motivate them to do just that. There is a better chance that a man will be inspired to lose weight if he can understand that his weight poses risks to his health. Apart from that, a few simple guidelines may also do the trick.

Don’t diet

Banish the 4-letter word all together as the term ‘diet’ is often synonymous with deprivation, which usually isn’t sustainable. Cutting out certain foods and food groups that you enjoy and have enjoyed your entire life is not realistic for most people yet 80% of losing weight depends on how you can control what you eat.  It is important to develop an eating strategy that you can stick to in the long run. If you are looking for permanent weight-loss you need to be prepared to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.

Do some mathematics

A single pound of fat equates to 3,500 calories. If you want to lose 1 pound a week you need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 every day. Take your current weight and multiply it by 11. That is a rough indication of how much calories your body needs to maintain its current status. Aim to subtract 500 calories from that number by making changes to your diet and exercise routine.

Develop a strategy

You do not have to do anything as drastic as overhauling your whole fridge overnight nor does it mean you have to avoid certain foods for the rest of your life. What it does mean is that need to figure out what compromises you need to make without feeling entirely desperate and deprived. IF you are prone to indulging in chips and soda every day start by cutting down to every second or third day. Small lifestyle changes will lead to substantial and sustainable weight-loss in the end.

Make sure you have a plan

A lot of people fail at their diets because they don’t have a plan. Plotting out your menus for the week or month is a very good place to start as you are more likely to stick to an eating plan if it is decided upon in advance.  Learning about portion control and how many calories are hidden in different food sources will also prove to be of great benefit. There are numerous handy applications available, such as MyFitnessPal,  that does all the calculations for you when you log your food intake. This is the easiest way to keep track of what you are eating and also keep you honest.

Add exercise to the equation

You can also control your calories by exercising more and burning them off while building muscle. Exercise will enable you to lose weight faster without having to starve yourself.  If you only alter the way you eat your body will burn both fat and muscle, making strength training of vital importance as it reduces muscle loss.

You did not gain your excess weight overnight nor can you expect to lose it instantly. A fad diet may see you losing weight fast initially but chances are good that you will regain everything you have lost and possibly even more. By taking a holistic approach to your weight-loss you will not only keep off the weight you lose but you will significantly improve your general well-being as well.

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